‘Parks and Recreation’ Coverage: Hitting Its Stride

Episode Commentary: “Citizen Knope”

“Citizen Knope” builds upon everything that was positive about last week’s episode, making this season seem more exciting, compelling, and focused that it has up until now. Picking up seamlessly where the last left off, and focusing on moving the season’s major arc forward, the episode shows that “Parks and Rec” has finally figured out the story it wants to tell this season.

As with most small towns, Pawnee is far more interesting and idiosyncratic than it appears to be, and the show is at its best when it celebrates that. The show’s knack for continuity—for finding ways to re-use certain characters and locations, thereby solidifying Pawnee in viewers’ minds as a real, breathing place—is usually a major part of all the best episodes.

As Leslie seeks to fill the hole in her life brought on by her suspension, and Ben looks for a new job, viewers are treated to appearances by Jean-Ralphio and Dennis Feinstein, two minor characters who remind you what an odd place Pawnee really is, as well as another raucous Parks Department public forum, this time with Leslie Knope giving her colleagues a taste of Pawnee’s vintage inchoate rage.

Unity is what gives “Parks and Rec” its charm, and “Citizen Knope” has plenty of it. The show proves for the second week in a row that it is still capable of telling a story that involves all the characters without fracturing into a multitude of unconnected tangents. The single greatest shortcoming of the season so far may have been solved.

As Ben and Leslie adjust to their new circumstances, the Parks Department staff work on creating the perfect gift for Leslie, and by the episode’s end come up with one far better than anyone could have imagined.

This season has so far has focused on what pushes the characters apart, and not what brings them together. It is nice to see the show thinking up a cause compelling enough to unite all the characters, and with the surprise development at the show’s close, viewers can look forward to seeing the Parks Department employees take on a task that will dwarf the Pit, the funeral of Lil’ Sebastian, and the Harvest Festvial combined.

“Parks and Recreation,” season four, has more than hit its stride. It has worked out its kinks, and now has the potential to be the best one yet.

About Justin Mitchell 48 Articles
Justin Mitchell is a freelance multi-media journalist and writer working in New York. In addition to his work at Review Fix, Justin has written for Latitude News, The New York Daily News, and Feet in 2 Worlds. Follow him on twitter: @mittinjuschell

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