Sluka – Sunset Screamer Single Review: Groovy, Robust Rock

It’s no surprise that rock and roll has many flavors. From classic bluesy style, to trippy synth rock and the wide variety of sounds that the modern “alternative” genre holds, it can be hard to stand out. For San Diego-based band Sluka, however, their stand-out charm seems to come naturally as they come in with a hot new single, “Sunset Screamer.”

The track starts out strong with some attention-grabbing violins that transitions perfectly into the groovy drums and bassline that immediately gets your head moving. The bass line in particular is easy to get lost in, as it winds through the track between the drums and vocals, making its presence an enduring one. The soft synths offer interesting undertones that allow the bass to stand out and make itself known. Whenever the piano takes the reins of the track, however, their soft touch never detracts from the power of the track. The keys ride the power and stake their claim on the track just before the 1-minute mark to make one of the more memorable sequences on the track.

That power doesn’t stop with the instrumentals. Lines such as “roasting the best of whine, spurning the least of mind, ripping the rage from their mouth” are full of power and have an excellent kick when followed up with a lively “jeering with the sunset screamer!” Other lines, such as “keeping up with everything, exhausting every lead. Sweeping out the dirty tricks and watching as we bleed” are full of power and when paired with the descending piano solo from around the 1-minute mark make a lasting impression. It makes “Sunset Screamer” a memorable track, especially when Sluka sings “boasting of better days, learning online grenades, tripping but never in doubt.”

“Sunset Screamer” is a strong track with a lot to say. The musicianship of Christopher Sluka is on full display here, full of memorable sounds and sequences that always sound as good as the first time you hear them. It extends into the lyrics, with snappy lines delivered with a palpable bite that stick with you well after it’s all over. The track is an easy one to simply jam to with great depth, both lyrically and sonically, which makes each repeat listen feel like you’re discovering something new. “Sunset Screamer” is a great rock track that feels great to listen to over and over again, which is great because you’ll definitely want to after you hear it.

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