It’s easy to see how a game like “Zeno Clash: Ultimate Edition†could get lost in the fold on the X-Box 360 Live Arcade. A beefed-up port of a relatively unknown PC game, this title sneakily found its way on the console. However, possessing some of the coolest graphics and intuitive control, this download will provide hours of gaming goodness, and is only hampered by a terrible storyline that often makes you wonder why you are still playing.
Right off the bat, “Zeno Clash: Ultimate Edition†will remind many hardcore gamers of Namco’s “Breakdown†on the X-Box, as it is a first person puncher, that at times, has you using weapons. However, that’s where most of the similarities end, as this title’s lackluster story, one which forces you to fight enemies in order to find out the truth in a mystical story, is, at times, completely brain-dead.
As a matter of fact, more times than not, you won’t have a freaking clue what’s doing on.
All you’ll know that is that there’s some beatings to be given out.
It’s not that Gnat, the game’s main character, isn’t cool, with his black fohawk and hot chick by his side, it’s just that you don’t learn enough about him through the course of the game to make the events that take place meaningful. Unable to attach yourself to the characters emotionally, its hard to play this game for long periods of time, as you can only get in what feel like meaningless fist fights for so long. In the end, you won’t care what happens at the end of the story and with a limited amount of replayability, in spite of the added co-op mode, it’s obvious why this game was released on the Live Arcade.
Nevertheless, with excellent character models, some of the best on Live Arcade, you’ll enjoy kicking the crap out of the myriad of enemies that come your way. While the control isn’t exactly pinpoint, the handful of tutorials will help you master the plethora of moves, such as throws, punches, kicks and counters at your disposal, creating a game that is legitimately fun. For that reason, the game is great in short bursts or for gamers that don’t need a story to enjoy a title.
Again, it may be brainless, but there’s something to be said about the unique environments and atmosphere. Say what you will about the story, but it is original and tries hard to be different. As well, there aren’t many first person games like this around and it’s a treat at times to see how much work went into polishing the combat system here.
Regardless, it’s often too much of a distraction fighting for something you don’t believe in or understand.
In the end, like a film with a host of redeeming qualities that ends up missing the mark, “Zeno Clash: Ultimate Edition†is a game that should be judged on its graphics, solid gameplay mechanics and at times, challenging difficulty- and not the haphazard story that encompasses it.
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