Beavis and Butthead Commentary: Judge vs. the Corporations

In this week’s first episode “Supersize Me,” Mike Judge takes a jab at “Supersize Me” director Morgan Spurlock. Beavis and Butthead see Spurlock and his wife walk across the red carpet and get the idea that if Spurlock can get a hot girl by eating fast food for a month so can they. So they decide to eat themselves stupid at Burger World for a month. Funniest part is their teacher, Mr. Van Driessen, thinks they’re doing it to fight against corporate greed and tells the class to film them in a documentary. This is the class assignment.

Burger World gets wind of this and gives them coupons to eat all they want at Taco Yummo for life. Taco Yummo does the same thing. Butthead saying “teen obesity kicks ass” sums up this episode perfectly. Beavis and Butthead making fun of obesity and the hysteria it has caused in the past years is what this world needed. Its parody is brilliant in its simplicity in that it doesn’t need overly complicated storylines like recent shows.

The second episode, ‘Bathroom Break”, Butthead realizes that Burger World still pays him when he goes to the bathroom. So B&B spend the entire episode in the bathroom while customers come in, complain and leave. Of course, the manager comes in to straighten things out but, hold, a lawyer who’s a customer at Burger World tells him that the law says that employees have the right take as long as they like on their bathroom breaks.

Two episodes that poke fun at the fast food corporations? Sounds good on paper, but this episode is not as funny as the last one. It does have its moments like at the end where Beavis and Butthead have a TV in the bathroom and flushing the toilet while having the drive thru headphones turned on. It does sorta make fun of real life customer service, but it isn’t really that funny. It’s not bad but it’s also forgettable.

As usual the best in-between skit was the Jersey Shore skit. Not only does Beavis and Butthead make Jersey Shore funnier, but watchable. Mike Judge should really get together with the producers of Jersey Shore and do a crossover Mystery Science Theater 3000 style. That would be the greatest thing Mike Judge has ever done. The other in-between skits were forgettable and not worth mentioning at all. A real letdown from the awesome lineup from last week.

One thing that should be said is the whole “Mexicans/Spanish/Indians thing is getting old and is no longer funny. It needs to stop.

Overall, it’s a decent episode with a good first half and an OK second half. The Jersey Shore bits are always great and deserve the abuse they receive from these two idiots. The funniest part is Beavis and Butthead are smarter than the cast of Jersey Shore.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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