Beavis and Butthead Coverage: Judge is Back

It’s week two of Beavis and Butthead’s return to MTV. With last week’s premiere being less than stellar, this week is where Judge had to prove to us all that he still has his B&B mojo.

Luckily for Judge, that appears to be the case. It appears that last week was just a warm-up. This week was excellent.

In the first episode, “Daughter’s Hand,” our two idiots watch a bad 19th century film where a young man asks a father for his daughter’s hand. B&B interpret this as a sexual term and decide to ask a new neighbor for his daughter’s hand. This is the classic B&B we all remember and love. Tom Anderson making his return was the cherry on the sundae. It would’ve been funnier if Anderson said his “you boys look familiar” line.

We also get one of B&B’s life lessons in this episode: “keep your hands to yourself.” That right there is one of the funniest lines in this show’s history.

In “Tech Support,” the guys go to an abandoned drive-in to break stuff. They find out that a tech support company is now there and decide to investigate. One of the tech support guys think they are new employees and tell them to get to work. Now, just imagine what would happen if you let these two become tech support personnel. If you guessed zany hi-jinx, then you are correct. What makes this episode funnier is that the manager thinks this is how a good tech support agent is supposed to be. The agent, who barely speaks English and starts to copy B&B, makes this one of the more memorable episodes to date.

Now for the in-between bits. At first it seemed like making fun of MTV shows would not be as funny as music videos, but Judge has managed to make even these funny. The best bit had to be the “Sixteen and Pregnant” bit. You have to love it where B&B find somebody who is dumber than they are. And their suggestion that they should show when the girl’s get pregnant makes any fan scream for joy that these guy’s are back.

The weakest bit was the Katy Perry Fireworks video. Beavis talking about how his guidance councilor tells him he’s not a waste of space and Butthead saying he really is was not that funny. They should’ve made fun of the video more. Beavis kicking Butthead in the nads was awesome as usual. We also learn that Beavis likes Firework and that he tried to blow up fireworks in his pants. He failed because the fuse was too short.

Week one may have been a letdown, but Judge has redeemed himself this week with two episodes that were actually funny and feel more like the old Beavis and Butthead we all have grown to love. The Katy Perry video could’ve been funnier, but that was just a minor negative this week. It seems like we have a reason to actually watch MTV again.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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