Not Your Typical Star Wars

Star Wars comics have been around ever since Episode 4 came out in 1977. Some are good; many more were either bad or pointless. “Star Wars: The Clone Wars-Strange Allies” falls into the later.

Strange Allies is about a padawan named Nuru Kungurama who Yoda has sent to take back a supply of droid brains. However, things start going wrong when Noggox the Hut is killed and now Nugu has more problems to attend to.

If this story synopsis sounds vague, it’s because not much background is given and nothing happens in the story. It reads like a typical Star Wars fan fiction. Random events happen with no rhyme or reason, characters don’t develop and new plot points appear out of nowhere. These new plot points add nothing to the story and seem like they were put in there just to add story.

The characters are typical of the series, who fit more as background characters than main ones. Not to mention characters are there because the plot says so and not because they add anything. Nuru is your typical padawan with no personality. He has no development and is boring to the point of being forgettable. His partner, Gizz, is your typical big muscle bound idiot alien who only likes violence, fast vehicles and women. He even does and says the typical “look, I’m a muscle brained idiot” things like “I hate pirates” and just acts like a jerk.

Savage Opress, a Sith who works for Count Dooku, is like Darth Maul in that he’s there because the Star Wars Universe needs another generic Sith character. He looks cool and all but, as with the other characters, is boring and uninteresting.

The other members of Nuru’s crew are introduced once and never mentioned again. Since they are your clone soldier #236 it seems fitting they’re only mentioned once. There is a droid among the crew who wants to be a Jedi but can’t seem to feel the force. This is an interesting concept. Too bad this character is pushed to the side like the other members. That would’ve made a better story.

The artwork is generic and doesn’t stand out at all. In fact, it looks more like those comics Evangelists or Green Peace makes with generic artwork than from an artist who cares about quality. Nuru looks like a Drow (an evil elf from the Dungeons and Dragons campaign Forgotten Realms) and Gizz looks like an orc. If this was a Forgotten Realms comic these characters would fit right in. The worst looking character is Noggox, who looks more like a happy potato than a Hut.

“Star Wars: Clone Wars:-Strange Allies” is another Star Wars cash grab with very little effort put into it. Boring characters, uninteresting story and generic artwork makes this comic feel more at home with the current cash cow Star Wars than with a good Star Wars story. Skip it.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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