Beavis and Butthead Coverage: Two Good and Too Bad

After a week off from Thanksgiving, everyone’s favorite monkey spanks return for a full hour of episodes.

In “The Rat,” Beavis and Butthead have a rat in their house. It eats their nachos and “that is a crime for which it must be punished.” What happens when two morons try to kill a rat? They completely destroy their bodies with a mouse trap (especially Beavis) and use a nacho for bait. Beavis later sees said nacho and once again gets hurt. They save the rat, keep it as a pet, take it to work and it gives birth. One of the funnier episodes to date. Not to mention that store clerk is creepy as all hell.

“Spill” is a skippable episode. B&B go to the Gulf of Mexico with their class because their teacher Van Driessen kept saying they will be washing dirty chicks in class. They spend the rest of the episode taking oil from a dirty seagull and putting it on themselves because they think they’ll score with the female volunteer who’s in charge at the oil spill site. Unfunny. Boring. Skip it.

“Doomsday” redeems the hour with an episode that’s worth every minute. Here, B&B are watching “Saw” when a special report interrupts the movie to say a train carrying toxic gas crashes and all of Highland is to be evacuated. The newscaster compares it to the apocalypse and B&B think it’s the end of the world. With that, they go to the Maxi Mart, destroy that, go to Stewart’s house, destroy that, until they finally settle into a house filled with stuffed animal heads and guns. The owner returns and beats the hell out of them. This episode is one of the better episodes this week.

But it all goes back down with “Dumb Design.” A group of anti-evolution people stop Beavis and Butthead and tell them if they don’t understand something they don’t have to learn it. With that they walk out of every one of their classes and get suspended. The organizer hears about this, calls a town meeting and the school comes to a compromise where they learn intelligent design the next day in class. They leave and decide that maybe hell isn’t so bad. It’s nice that Mike Judge is taking a crack at the evolution/intelligent design debate, but he could’ve done a much better job at it. One good thing about this episode is that Buzzcut makes his return.

The highlight of the recent Beavis and Butthead episodes is, of course, the Jersey Shore riffs. In this one, Snooki is arrested for “being drunk and stupid.” The following exchange between Beavis and Butthead is pure gold: Beavis, “You can get arrested for being stupid?” Butthead, “You better lay low for a while Beavis.” The big laugh out loud line was Butthead saying the cops mistook Snooki for a seal. Judge is the only reason to watch Jersey Shore in the first place.

This week, Judge unveiled a new skit called Beavis and Butthead’s Cinema Classics. This skit is where Beavis and Butthead have a movie review show similar to Siskel and Ebert At The Movies. This skit looks like it has some potential. Let’s see how it turns out in the future.

A roller coaster hour of Beavis and Butthead ends this week. Two good and two bad episodes, a great Jersey Shore riff and the return of Buzzcut made this a decent week for Beavis and Butthead fans.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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