Star Wars Omnibus: The Other Sons of Tatooine Review: For Fanboys Only

Luke Skywalker may be the most famous inhabitant of Tatooine in the Star Wars universe, but he isn’t the only one. There were others that did their part during the original Star Wars Trilogy. Some of these events have been made into comics are collected in “Star Wars Omnibus: The Other Sons of Tatooine” by Dark Horse.

Too bad these stories aren’t as interesting as the main story.

The first story, “X-wing Rogue Squadron 1/2”, is the first comic and is not all that interesting. Biggs, Wedge, along with two characters we never see in the movies, play a game of sabacc, get attacked and then the Battle of Yavin happens. Bad art also makes this one shippable.

“The Saga of Biggs Darklighter” is a much better written. It’s an interesting story. As the title says, the comic is about Biggs and his time in the Empire’s academy and the Battle of Yavin. This comic also recounts the events ‘X-wing Rogue Squadron ½” so there’s another reason to not read that comic. The art does have some moments that look really poor, but overall the art is very well done.

“The Bravery of Being Out of Range” is just one big speeder chase scene with decent art. Skip it.

“The Last Man” is the best story in the collection. Lt. Janek Sunber is suddenly placed in command of a battle on the planet Carida and must prove himself. Great artwork accompanied by one amazing battle scene that shows off what one young Empirical officer can do when the circumstances arise.

“The Wrong Side of the War” has good art, but is boring. Not even the inclusion of Luke in all his Jedi glory can make this story interesting.

The last story, ‘My Brother, My Enemy,” is another one with good art but it doesn’t get interesting until the end. At least we get to see Darth Vader in this comic, even if it is only for a very short time. The thing that kills the story is the main character, Jorin Sol, is written way too melodramatic to be likeable. There are some fun torture and battle scenes though.

“Star Wars Omnibus: The Other Sons of Tatooine” is a decent collection of Star Wars comics that only has two comics that are worth reading. The others are just not that interesting. Artwork of varying quality also makes this collection not all that great. One good thing that can be said about this collection is that they all intertwine with each nicely in one way or another. This one can be classified under hardcore fans only.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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