Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: War #5 Review: The End of it All

There is never any peace in the Star Wars universe, is there? Well, the Mandalorians like it that way. Speaking of, “Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: War #5” has been released and it’s the last battle in the series. So does the saga of Carrick come to a close that’ll please Mandalore? Not really.

In this final issue we see Carrick and his Mandalorians attack the Jedi academy on Dantooine. What’s the reason? Carrick wants to destroy the Jedi because he believes they’re the Republic’s dogs and then take the younglings and raise them to become Mandalorians.

After all the buildup in the last four issues, the end scrap doesn’t live up to all the hype. It concludes up like a by the numbers Star Wars ending with the resolution easily resolved, an ending seen from a mile away and what starts as an epic fights it then leads to nowhere. At least the moral at the end was well thought out and consistent with the main theme of the comic which is a major plus. It just had so much potential but it was ultimately a mediocre, underwhelming and forgetful ending.

Speaking of forgetful, once again we don’t care what happens to Kace. Even when we see his ending we have no emotional attachment to him because the series has done such a poor job of developing his character that he feels more like a filler than a main.

One good thing to say is how much the art has improved over the issues. In issue one there were some spots that looked really bad, like the characters facial expressions when seen up close and the awkward long range shots. As the comic progressed, so has the art and in this final issue the artist’s true skill has finally shined through. The characters look so much better and all the bad shots have been fixed.

Regardless, “Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: War” ends its run with an underwhelming ending that could’ve been handled differently. Carrick was such an interesting character that he deserved a better written resolution to his story. Not to mention Kace was just a waste of space for a character. At least the art improved throughout the series and it was nice to see more Mandalorians than Jedis for a change.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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