Hell’s Kitchen Coverage: Where’s the Rest of my Cod?

Grab your fire extinguishers and put the little ones to bed because it’s an all new episode of “Hell’s Kitchen.”

In the dorms on the night after Chris was eliminated, Robyn says that Barbie is sabotaging the Red Team. So Barbie has a little plan for the team: wash the dishes at 5:45AM and wake everyone up by stamping her feet. A brawl almost breaks between the Red Team when the dorm gets a call from Ramsey asking everyone to get downstairs at once.

Downstairs in the dining room they chefs are greeted with a group of people singing ‘America the Beautiful” and the dining room is decorated with American flags. Turns out these people have just become American citizens and it’s the scene for the day’s challenge: Cook an “All American” meal for these new citizens and the first to complete service wins.

The challenge goes off pretty well with only a few minor bumps for each team.

For the Red it’s Barbie making a pizza too early. She later burns another one. Nice way to add more fuel to the Red Team’s hatred of you.

The Blue do worse. Royce puts mushrooms on a cobb salad and need Clemenza and Guy’s help, Clemenza undercooks pizza even though he claims he’s made a ton of them and Brian makes raw sliders.

The Red win another challenge. To add insult to injury, Ramsey asks them to help the Blue complete service. The Blue just can’t catch a break, huh?

As punishment, they have to go to Ballona Wetlands to cut down a tree infested with bugs while the Red go to San Diego on a private jet to a safari. Not much happens in both situation except Patrick deciding to be the leader of the Blue Team (which later becomes a nuisance to the other members) and Ramsey makes the Red swear an oath to complete dinner service.

Barbie takes this opportunity to apologize for waking everyone up. The Red Team thinks she’s a phony. She doesn’t seem like a phony at all. It seems more like everyone is actually out to get her.

At dinner service Ramsey tells the chefs that he’s tired of asking James to apologize to the customers. So he makes Don and Tiffany waiters to put the weight on their shoulders. We also find out that Don has problems with spelling. “Congratulations, you just got passed 6th grade,” Ramsey tells him after he finally fills out his first ticket.

Ramsey also calls Royce’s boss Ralph to light a fire under Royce. And it works.

This dinner service looks better than the last two dinner services. Of course, this is Hell’s Kitchen so there has to be bumps.

In the Red kitchen Dana cooks spaghetti that looks like “canned soup.” Things don’t go bad until they get to the firefighters table. Barbie once again shows us she can’t cook a scallop which causes Christina to take over for her. Kimmie destroys her fish and needs to start over. That’s not as bad as Briana making a half portion of cod. That got Ramsey all fired up and yelling.

That yelling continues when Roshni forgets the dumplings for the cod and then brings them up raw. The last straw comes when Kimmie destroys two Wellington and Briana burns another cod, making Ramsey throw the entire team out. So much for that oath.

The Blue Team has woes of their own with their special table (US Marines). And it’s all Clemenza and those damn Wellington. First he cuts them before they have a chance to sit, making them dry. Then he over-cooks them. Soon enough, there are no more Wellington for the Marines. Ramsey tells him to go to the Marines’ table and apologize. He does and suggests the NY strip. Have you ever had a group of Marines give you a death stare? That’s what Clemenza got here.

The Blue Team finishes and wins.

Briana nominates herself for elimination and the Red nominates Barbie. She’s no happy camper. Ramsey wants to see Roshni up there too because of the dumplings. Briana goes home.

Looks like the Blue has got their act together. All they need to do is win a challenge and maybe they’ll be a challenge for the Red. Barbie is still the whipping boy for the Red Team and her constant mistakes aren’t helping much. Next week’s preview looks like something finally gives with the Red.

About Rocco Sansone 876 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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