Ragemoor #4 Review: A Fitting Conclusion

The castle is still hungry for blood and there’s no way to sate it. What can our poor main character do to escape the wraith of Ragemoor in the fourth and final issue?

Well, exactly what we expected him to do and the rest of the characters with satisfying results.

Last we left off Anoria is dead, and that has made Castle Ragemoor even more active than even. On top of that, Herbert is distraught and Bodrick has shut himself up in a makeship lab. Herbert finds out that Tristano is still alive and what follows is exactly what readers expect from this type of story.

The story starts out slow with some more backstory about Ragemoor that has very little relevance to the story. Once the story gets to Tristano that’s where the real horror gets started. The story ends exactly the way the reader wants it to end: one big unhappy ending with plenty of grieving from the characters. We all knew these characters had it this coming to them. This was a satisfying end to them.

The artwork still has that early Hollywood horror feel, especially with the little “surprises” at the end. These “surprises” are well drawn and fit perfectly with the theme the comic has been going with since the beginning. If you’re a fan of the old b-horror/sci-fi movies you’ll get a kick out of the designs out of these designs.

“Ragemoor #4” is a good end to a solid horror series. It was everything that the reader expected to happen and more.

As a whole, “Ragemoor” is a dependable horror comic with the type of art that harkens back to the early days of Hollywood horror. The characters may not be the strongest or best developed, but the series was all about what the castle is going to do with these people. The horror was there, the scary designs were there, the castle wreaking havoc was there.

It’s worth reading to see the characters suffer by the “hands” of a living object in the scariest ways possible.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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