Hell’s Kitchen Coverage: Another Two-Parter

It’s the Blue menu vs. the Red menu and Ramsey has plenty of reasons to be angry on this episode of Hell’s Kitchen.

As is typical of the Red vs. Blue menus, the winning team will be decided by diner comment cards. There was plenty to comment on from each kitchen that night.

In the Red, Christina started dinner service flustered, getting her first flatbread out. Barbie had to help her out. Kimmie overcooked a duck which Barbie even asked her if she needed any help on. As usual, Kimmie and Barbie are at odds with each other.

Later, Kimmie overcooks a ribeye and Ramsey asks if she’s given up. At this point it does seem like she has. As if that weren’t bad enough, food came back with a raw lobster (Dana’s), Tiffany getting caught making garnish in a dirty pan and, worse yet, Tiffany’s potatoes get returned for being crunchy and raw. Tiffany tried to save her potatoes but Sous Chef Andi calls her the sloppiest chef she has ever seen, tells her to “take a walk” and tells Dana to take over for her. That was it for Tiffany for the night.

Dana did save the potatoes after putting what looked like a gallon of cream into them. The Red did manage to finish dinner service.

The Blue did a whole lot worse though. This whole fiasco started with scallop filled squash blossoms that Justin came up with and Robyn had trouble cooking. This ended with the Blue running out of blossoms and Robyn having to go out and apologize to the diners. Justin kept saying that Robyn needed to know how to cook squash blossoms and Robyn kept saying he set her up for failure. Robyn’s in the right here. She did ask him how to cook them and his ego is what sabotaged the whole dish. If anything, Justin should get yelled at.

Justin and Clemenza had a communication breakdown at entrees when Clemenza can’t get the number of basses correct. Justin and Sous Chef Scott said two and Clemenza cooked one. Ramsey Then said “two sea bass” which confused Clemenza even further.

Justin didn’t escape from Ramsey’s ire when he cooked two New York strips medium-well, which made Robyn very happy. In fact, the entire team felt Ramsey’s ire when, at the last ticket, Brain brought up four raw basses and Clemenza was eating some dessert. Once again, the entire Blue Team was thrown out and Ramsey and Scott had to finish for them.

Remember those diner comment cards? Well, Ramsey tore them up. Both teams had to come up with two people for elimination. After much finger pointing in the dorm later the Blue came up with Robyn and Clemenza and the Red came up with Tiffany and Barbie. Tiffany was sent home.

This and the previous episode showed Justin’s true colors. He really is selfish and egotistical. That entire menu was all him and Brian. If anything, Justin is trying to sabotage the Blue. The only reason Barbie was nominated was because she took two and a half hours cleaning mussels at prep and the Red hate her. That’s it. She did nothing wrong at dinner service. Now that Tiffany’s gone the dorms could be a little quieter. At this point it would not be a surprise if Barbie wins. That would be a great schadenfreude to this entire season.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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