Hell’s Kitchen Coverage: To Be Continued…Again

No rest for the weary in this edition of “Hell’s Kitchen.”

To nobody’s surprise, the person Ramsay eliminated at the beginning of the show was Jeremy. All that buildup for a week and we get an obvious elimination.

With that dead weight out of the way, Ramsay announced that the chefs were to prepare the kitchen for dinner service that night. In the middle of prep, Mary was worried that maybe she was pregnant. She said she was feeling a bit nauseous and that she has been missing her menstrual cycle lately. One home pregnancy test later showed that she’s not. That’s one plot point out of the way.

After prep, the chefs relaxed a bit in the dorms. Zach had some choice words with Mary. Nedra came in to put the entire Blue Team in their place. “You don’t wanna (bleep) with me. I’m Mike Tyson, bitch” was her best line.

Before dinner service started, Ramsay had Jean-Philippe and the wait staff talk with the chefs about their nightmarish experiences with the guests. The experiences were ones anyone who has waited tables will understand. One of the waiters almost lost their job because of the chef’s poor service. Ramsay’s point in all this was for one chef in each kitchen to be a waiter for this dinner service. It was Jessica for the Red and Barret for the Blue.

Even with this little exercise, the night’s dinner service was another disaster. It started with both Jessica and Barret writing out their tickets in illegible handwriting multiple times before they got it right.

The kitchens didn’t do so much better either.

In the Blue it was all Ray on the fish. First he started with overcooking scallops and then getting them right. Ramsay said that Ray always has these senior moments at the start of service. He had another senior moment when he made three bass instead of three halibut. Ray tried to cook those halibuts but kept getting them wrong. This made Ramsay throw the entire Blue Team out. Throughout this entire time Dan tried to help Ray, but he refused. In the dorm, Sous Chef James gave the Blue Team a piece of his mind. Good, they deserve it.

On the Red, it started with Susan going too fast for everyone. This Amanda to make undercooked scallops. Amanda returned the favor later, causing Susan to undercook her risotto. Both Nedra and Mary tried to get a pork out and it kept coming out raw. Nedra even had to go out into the dining room and apologize to the table for the wait. Nedra brought out another raw pork and Ramsay throws out the entire Red Team.

Instead of figuring out who should go up for elimination, Ray and Dan were yelling at each other. It looked like they were about to go at each other.

Both teams did finally decide on who should go up for elimination. The Red chose Mary and Nedra and the Blue chose Dan and Ray. Ramsay asked all four chefs for their jackets, said he was going to do something he never did before and we once again get a “To Be Continued” screen.

That’s two “To Be Continued” screens in a row. This time, it might seem like Ramsay may eliminate four contestants at once. Or maybe he’s just going to put Ray and Dan on the Red and Mary and Nedra on the Blue. Or eliminate three and put one on the opposite team. Look’s like we’ll have to wait and see as long as we don’t get anymore cliffhanger episodes.

About Rocco Sansone 874 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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