Snow Angel Review: Cute

David Chelsea’s “Snow Angel” is an odd one to dissect, but it is worth reading.

“Snow Angel” is about the adventures of a nameless girl who turns into an angel and stops people from doing bad things. However, her family is moving to Tucson where it doesn’t snow so she can’t be Snow Angel anymore. She does have plans to change that though.

The story is more “Sesame Street” than superhero comic. The situations are more akin to those seen on your typical “Sesame Street” sketch where a child uses a weird power on a minor situation to save the day. Even the way she fixes her moving to Tucson problem rings true to these sketches. It’s well played to the point where the reader doesn’t mind it at all and finds it more amusing than cringe worthy.

The other non-story related sketch also fits into the “Sesame Street” style and has a charm to it. It may only be a conversation between a snowman and a penguin, but its absurdity and subject matter is what will hold readers attention.

The art style is similar to newspaper comic strips such as “Family Circus” and “Marmaduke.” This may seem like an odd choice of style, but Chelsea manages to use the style to weave a flowing narrative. It also works considering the subject can be considered similar to said newspaper comic strips.

The extra comic four-page comic at the end, “The Kids Movie,” is not as interesting as the main comic. It’s a parody of your typical modern kid’s movie with a ton of trailers, lots of fantasy action and things taken out of the book. It’s a joke we’ve all heard plenty of times.

If you can take it for what it is, “Snow Angel” is an enjoyable read that takes its story telling from “Sesame Street” that many of us have grown up with. Combined that with comic strip style art that holds the story together nicely and this one’s a keeper.

About Rocco Sansone 874 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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