Hell’s Kitchen Coverage: Teenage Dream

What better way to throw your daughter’s quinceanera than by having Gordon Ramsay cussing up a storm at “Hell’s Kitchen.”

When the chefs came downstairs that day, Ramsay showed off two pictures of him as a teen. He also had another surprise: He had pictures of the chefs as teens. As usual in these situations, there was laughter abound. Ray’s picture was the best; he looked like a little mobster.

Ramsay had a reason to show off these photos. That was because “Hell’s Kitchen” was throwing its very first quinceanera (Latin American sweet sixteen.) The chefs met the girl, Briana, her mother Jennifer and godmother/ party planner Josette. The chefs had to prepare a tasting menu based on Briana’s likes and dislikes. The team with the most points wins. The chefs had to prepare four courses: a hot and cold appetizer, a pasta dish, one chicken and one steak entrée.

At tasting it was as predictable as usual. It started with Jon’s ceviche beating’s Ja’Nel’s ceviche. Barret’s fried macaroni and cheese balls lost to Cyndi’s fried cheese ravioli due to his sauce being way too spicy. This is after Briana said she didn’t like her food too spicy and Barret put bottled hot sauce into his sauce. It was tied 2-2 as usual and, once again, the Red won because Michael’s steak was raw. There was even blood dripping onto the plate.

Once again, the Red gets a reward while the Blue gets a punishment. This has to be the worst Blue Team in “Hell’s Kitchen” history. While the Red were enjoying themselves at Knott’s Berry Farm amusement park, the blue had to set the dining room for the night, with Josette supervising them. That included doing some girly stuff like dressing porcelain dolls and putting pink ribbons on chairs. Barret almost broke a chair on a pillar but then thought better of it.

At dinner service Ramsay wanted everything to work like clockwork. That included getting all apps out before the traditional waltz started. The Blue managed that without a hitch. The Red didn’t make it in time due to Amanda botching the tuna. It was first sliced improperly and then she brought up a cold one. She blamed that on Nedra because Nedra turned the tuna. Nedra dropped the next one due to bumping into Amanda.

The Red’s bad service continued into entrees. Nedra made a dry chicken and Cyndi made an undercooked rib eye.

The Blue also had problems, too. Zach continually didn’t put enough potatoes multiple times, Barret made a linguini that had way too many problems and later he left a piece of a skewer in a shrimp.

Both teams lost that night because Ramsay was embarrassed at both teams’ performance. They both had to choose two people for elimination. Blue chose Barret and Zach and Red chose Amanda and Cyndi.

Cyndi got eliminated.

These types of challenges always ended in disaster. Whether it’s a wedding, bar mitzvah or anything really, both teams find some way to create a disaster. It’s becoming predictable now. What’s also predictable is the Blue Team’s inability to win a challenge. They are 1-8 which is getting boring and depressing. They need to shape up now.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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