Hell’s Kitchen Coverage: Eh

The pressure is starting to add up in another episode of “Hell’s Kitchen.”

With the elimination of Zach, Jon was the only male left in “Hell’s Kitchen.” It’s too bad for him because the girls talked about feminine things (periods for one) right in front of him. He didn’t get any relief come bed time because they talked about Brazilian waxes and getting rid of pubic hair. He even worried he would wake up and there would be five girls putting make up on him. Poor guy.

Come morning, the chefs saw a giant TV screen in the dining room. On the screen, Ramsay showed videos of the chef’s families giving them good wishes. Cyndi even broke down crying. Ramsay had another surprise for them: their family members were there, waiting for them.

After a tearful reunion, the chefs got ready for the day’s challenge. Ramsay then proceeded to tell the chefs that instead of giving out four black jackets, he decided to give out five. Ramsay has really gone soft this season, huh? The day’s challenge was each chef had to use an inexpensive cut of meat and make it into a five-star dish using a pressure cooker. The cuts were pork roast (Cyndi), lamb leg (Jon), pork belly (Susan), goat ribs (Ja’nel) and short ribs (Mary.)

It should be noted that only Mary has ever used a pressure cooker. Susan even kept opening her cooker, causing all the steam to get out.

To judge this challenge Ramsay instituted the help of owner of “Osteria Mozza,” Nancy Silverton and the dining editor of “Los Angeles Magazine,” Lesley Bargar Suter. Each judge gave each dish a score from 1 star to five stars with a maximum of 15 stars. The final scores were Mary 15, Ja’Nel 14, Jon 10, Susan 9 and Cyndi 7.

Mary’s reward was lunch at Wolfgang Puck’s “WP 24” with her family. The rest of the chefs had to volunteer as maintenance crew for “Tree People.” They had to dig hillsides and shovel mulch. After that, they had to separate “Hell’s Kitchen’s” garbage. Ja’Nel and Jon worked very well together shoveling mulch. It was until they had to separate garbage that Ja’Nel started freaking out because there were maggots everywhere. This of course is a staple punishment for “Hell’s Kitchen” and it is always funny seeing the reactions.

That night Ramsay said that during dinner service the chefs would be competing against high class chefs. The audience was getting introduced to these chefs when the all too familiar “To Be Continued” popped up on the screen.

This sure was a throwaway episode. Not to mention Ramsay giving out five black jackets and yet another “To Be Continued” made this one forgettable. What’s worse was this episode part of a three parter. Looks like the producers are trying to find a way to drag on this season even longer than it should.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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