Usagi Yojimbo Book 27: A Town Called Hell Review: Predictable, But Fun

Dark Horse has released another compilation of Stan Sakai’s “Usagi Yojimbo” comic series with “Usagi Yojimbo Book 27: A Town Called Hell” and it is worth every penny.

The first story, a two parter called “A Town Called Hell,” has Yojimbo finding himself in a town called Hell. Here there is a battle going on between two gangers: Boss Higa and Boss Komo. Boss Higa runs Hell but Boss Komo wants to take over the city. Yojimbo devises a plan to change all that.

It is very interesting to see that Yojimbo has a ton of talents besides swordplay. He even knows how to use deceit to pull off a plan. It should also be noted that the way things play out are just as the reader expects. Despite that, the story is one of the best written “Usagi Yojimbo” stories Stan Sakai has come up with.

“Nukekubi” has Yojimbo start out trying to escape from a talkative old lady. Once he gets away he has wasted too much time and needs to find shelter. He finds an old man who’ll take him for the night, but he gets more than he bargained for.

The first half is downright hilarious. The conversation between the old woman and Yojimbo sounds like an old fashioned comedy act. One of the funnier lines is, (Yojimbo) “What’s that, a birdcage?” (Old Lady) “No, silly-it’s a birdcage.” The second part has Yojimbo fight one of the fastest enemies he’s ever faced. It’s well-paced and the ending of the comic is a happy one.

“The Sword of Narukami” finds Yojimbo helping a swordsman in the woods getting attacked by thugs. After helping him, the swordsman tells him that he’s looking for a family sword that was taken by a thief. Yojimbo decides to help him out.

This comic is one giant battle between a ton of thieves. It’s your typical two powerful swordsmen going against a ton of enemies. It’s pretty well done once all is said and done. Not to mention the big reveal at the end may sound cheap, but it actually makes perfect sense in context.

“Teru Teru Bozu” has Yojimbo staying the night with a family during a heavy rain storm. He makes a Teru Teru Bozu (handmade toll made out of cloth to ward off bad weather) for the son, Taro. The night goes sour when a demon comes to call.

It’s an OK story with a moral. Not to mention the whole “it was all a dream” theme is a bit overdone and can be seen from a mile away. The weakest of the bunch.

The final three, “Encounter at Blood Tree Pass” and “Return to Hell 1 &2” has Yojimbo running into Kato, a former right hand man for Boss Higa, who is seeking revenge. They decide to join forces and rid Hell of Boss Higa.

It’s a big epic final battle that is both fun and exiting as any samurai movie. It is full of hired goons getting demolished by two swordsmen. Fast pace and tons of gore is the recipe here. It is a great ending to one of Sakai’s best stories.

“Usagi Yojimbo Book 27: A Town Called Hell” is another great compilation of “Usagi Yojimbo” comics. Despite one weak entry, this collection is a must for both fans and comic readers.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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