Love and Air Sex Review: What?

So, air sex is a thing. It may be an underground thing but it’s still a thing with sponsors and everything. Bryan Poyser’s Kickstarter funded movie, “Love and Air Sex” is the first of its kind to make a movie based on this thing and sadly, it’s climax leaves something to be desired.

The movie is about Stan who one day decides to fly back to his hometown of Austin, Texas to try to get back with his ex-girlfriend Cathy. While there, his friend Jeff tells him he wants to win the air sex competition. What happens here is Jeff and his ex-Kara try to make sure Stan and Cathy don’t get together again.

The main problem with this movie is that it lacks focus. The characters go from one random thing to another without any logical explanation or care for continuity. The events that do happen are something that frat boys/girls and stoners would do to the point where you want to hit these characters over the head with a bat. One reason could be is that this movie completely forgets about its plot and decides to just do the most random things until it finally remembers that it has a plot to unfold.

When the plot does finally rear its head, it is so uninteresting and cliché it hurts. It’s so predictable that when the inevitable happens there is very little surprise. Not to mention that once the plot points are resolved the audience will say “well, that was pointless.”

The air sex competition itself, despite being the main point and title of the movie, is only on-screen for a good ten minutes total. The competition looks like something a group of drunken frat boys/girls would really enjoy. The competition looks more like some drunken bloke waving his arms, making licking motions and moving his body wildly in something that looks more like a badly choreographed pole dance than actual sex. The directors swear that the moves air sex competitors use can be applied to actual sex- highly doubtful.

One bright side is that the actors do a fine job with the material they have. Sara Paxton as Kara does a fine job of being the super bitchy ex who is not afraid of cursing like a drunken sailor, drinking like said sailor and then getting into brawls. Her performance is the best out of all the actors.

Other bright spots of the film are some events that happen at the end. The “unexpected” result of the air sex finals is by far the best scene in the movie. The choreography done for that scene perfectly brings out what’s been going on between the two characters and how they really feel about each other.

“Love and Air Sex” is a big mess of a movie that meanders around with very little point in anything it does. The pointless plots, the horrible writing and the dumb characters all overshadow solid performances by the cast. This one night stand is not worth getting drunk for.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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