Hell’s Kitchen Coverage: Dancin’ in the Dark

Charities are supposed to help people and make everyone feel good. That goodwill vibe is left in the dark in the week’s episode of “Hell’s Kitchen.”

The chefs arrived at the dining room to see a tiny “shop” with an awning that said “L’Epicerie De Minuit.” This was the first part of their challenge, where each chef took turns entering this “shop” and put five ingredients into their basket in sixty seconds. The catch is the “shop” is completely dark.

Have you ever seen those shows or had one of your friends go into a really dark room to collect things and they would bumble around and panic whenever they touch something? The same thing happened here. Sandra even said, “It’s creepy, man.”

The second part the chefs had to cook a dish with those ingredients. Kashia looked a little flustered because she never cooked with squid. Also, the tasting this time was “king of the hill.” Meaning if Ramsay thought a chef’s dish was better than the last, that chef would sit in a chair. The chef left sitting in the chair won the challenge.

The challenge did not start well. Gabriel, who not only grabbed four ingredients, also forgot his mousse for his chicken leg on the cutting board. Not something a chef would do at this point in the competition. Scott was the fist in the chair despite his swordfish being overcooked. It was musical chairs up until Rochelle. Nobody was good enough to dethrone her giving the Blue Team the win.

Their reward was a day at “Le Spa at Sofitel.” Jason absolutely hated that experience. This is the first time you ever heard of anyone hating a day at a spa.

The Red team, on the other hand, had to endure delivery day. Melanie had no desire to carry anything. She used her small stature as an excuse to not lift anything. That really didn’t give free range to boss everyone else around.

That night “Hell’s Kitchen” was closed to the public because it held its first charity event (“Unicef.”) There were only 24 guests split into two tables. Also, each chef was responsible for one course each. The dishes were lobster risotto (Anton and Rochelle,) Tuna tataki (Melanie and Gabriel,) duck ragu tortellini (Richard and Kashia,) rack of lamb (Scott and Sandra) and apple beignet (Jason and Joy.)

By the way, the “Unicef” ambassador that night was actress Angie Harmon. There were also no charitable feelings from both kitchens.

The Red team started things off with Anton almost putting the entire kitchen on fire. Who squirts oil all over like a psycho? Also, Kashia undercooked her tortellini. That’s twelve undercooked portions. Scott showed incredible leadership on his lamb dishes even if he used a ladle to pour sauce over them.

The Blue team had problems themselves. Gabriel, being the forgetful one that day, forgot to sear two tunas. He has seriously gone downhill. Later Rochelle noticed that they were short of tortellini. That’s because Richard left a few in the pot and were overcooked. Also, Gabriel put fourteen plates instead of twelve. When it came to the lamb Sandra first undercooked the lamb and then overcooked them when she flashed them. The Blue was forced to give each diner one piece. This was one of her worst performances.

Both kitchens may have finished, but there was no winner this time like the last. The Red nominated Kashia and Scott and the Blue nominated Sandra and Gabriel. Ramsay gave Sandra the axe.

Just when you think you know who’d win “Hell’s Kitchen” they throw you a curveball. At this junction, everyone is fair game when it comes to losing. Anton, Gabriel and Kashia are done. They have lost whatever passion they had at the start of the show. Scott looks like he may be mounted a comeback, though.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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