Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman: Is a Zombie Apocalypse Possible? Review: Not Even Close

One of the hottest topics in recent years is the zombie. It’s gotten so out of hand that many people believe that it can actually happen. In the newest episode of “Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman” thy dive into answering the question of “is a zombie apocalypse possible?” The answer is a solid “maybe”.

First we’re given the story of a “zombie” fungus. This fungus enters the body of an ant, controls its brain so it would attach itself to a leaf and then die. This allows the fungus to grow inside the host. This sounds scary but, as said on the show, ants are vulnerable outside the nest and their brains are basic. You need to think that humans have a much stronger immune system and the human brain is a lot more complex than an ant.

Another argument for a zombie apocalypse is disease. Diseases like rubella and rabies have zombie like qualities. There is a chance to mutate and cause a zombie like virus. Some scientists are looking into this probability and finding ways to prevent it. Once again, maybe these viruses will mutate.

The show also says that there are plenty of agencies, like the “United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,” that are constantly new ways of preventing epidemics. These agencies have even recently started zombie apocalypse prevention because they believe that something similar to it may happen.

The show still does have some questionable science stuff on it. For example there’s a scientist who is trying to create a new way to fight viruses. That way is controlling the virus and have it destroy all traces of the virus in the body. This sounds like something out of science fiction and not real science. Also, the remote control bugs and the machine that can control human minds by sending an electric shock are wonky. The bug looked fake and the only reason the woman stopped moving her finger to touch the light was because she got an electric shock to the brain. A slap upside the head will give the same result.

“Is a Zombie Apocalypse Possible?” is yet another episode of “Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman” that is a disappointment. The science sounds sound but upon further review is wonky, it raises more questions than answers them and tackles a subject that is more hypothetical than realistic. “” has a perfect article that says why a zombie apocalypse will fail within a day if it really happened. That is way better researched and more interesting than this episode.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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