Hell’s Kitchen Coverage: Down With the Red

Italian is one of the easiest and most beloved cuisines in the world. The “Hell’s Kitchen” chefs just can’t quite grasp that concept in this week’s episode.

The episode starts with Ramsay putting Sterling on the Red team and not eliminating anyone else. This show really loves to build up to something big and then have it crash and burn, huh? The next day Ramsay was standing in front of a giant map of Italy when the chefs came downstairs. Behind that map was a troupe of opera singers. This was one of Ramsay’s creative ways to introduce a challenge.

That challenge was for one chef on each team to choose who they want to square off against on the opposite team. That person chose a scroll with an opera title on it which had a dish on the back. The pairings were Frank VS Roe (cheese manicotti,) Sterling VS Bryant (Fettuccine Alfredo,) Ashley VS Fernando (saltimbocca,) Jennifer VS Steve (tortellini) Santos VS La Tasha (spaghetti alla carbonara) and Aaron VS Sade (linguine vongole.)

Ramsay once again had a guest judge for this challenge. It was chef/owner of “Drago Centro” Celestino Drago. It started with Jennifer getting the point for the red; then Fernando got it for the red. It was 2-2 when it came to the final dish (Fettuccine Alfredo.) Bryant won it for the Blue due to Sterling’s Fettuccine being too spicy. This was after he was told by Ashley that it was too spicy.

Their reward was a shopping spree at “American Rag” and lunch at “Cecconi’s.” Frank was way into the shopping and food. It was almost like he was having an orgasm.

The red spent the day cleaning squid, collecting squid ink and prepping for Italian night. Sterling was trying to socialize with the Red, but they were having none of it. He may be a very social person, but he also has a problem with knowing when to shut up. He was also very lost in the kitchen.

Dinner service that night had VIPS from the Italian Consulate including the Consulate General. This dinner service wasn’t as bad as previous services, but mistakes were still made.

In the Blue Steve not only did not know which pasta to cook, but he was also slow. If there’s one thing you don’t do in “Hell’s Kitchen” is move slow. He also made a terrible risotto. Bryant was a nervous wreck when he had to serve the tableside clam cipollini to the Italian Consulate table. He did well besides that. On entrees Frank brought up a steak that was very raw and Steve brought up overcooked chicken. Aaron also did one of the last things you do in “Hell’s Kitchen”: stop talking. He knew he had trouble with the tagliatelle, why didn’t he ask for help? Ramsay even had to yell at him and threaten to throw him out.

In the Red Sade, working tableside, dropped her clam cipollini near a diner. One inch closer and she could’ve burned him. Marino fixed the situation like a good maitre d’. Later, Roe brought up a raw steak. She also tripped and almost dropped her re-fired steak. The worst part of their service was when a diner from the Italian Consulate brings back their tagliatelle because of raw squid. Ramsay threw the entire team out. This Red team is pretty terrible this season.

Even though the Blue finished service, Ramsay was too upset to pick a winning team. Once again both teams had to nominate two people. The Red chose Ashley and Roe and the Blue chose Aaron and Steve. Ashley was eliminated. This episode also ends with a “To Be Continued.”

This Red team has been on a downward spiral ever since the second episode. They are communicating fine, but the Blue seems to have the stronger chefs. This season’s winner could be a male if the Red team doesn’t shape up.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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