Hell’s Kitchen Coverage: Rock and Roll Never Forgets

It’s a rock and roll fan’s dream in an all new episode of “Hell’s Kitchen.” These chefs instead decide to play all the wrong notes.

The episode started with Frank writing a thank you note to Ramsay which he gave to him after the day’s challenge. This letter became important at the end of the show.

When the chefs came down that day Ramsay immediately told them what the prize for the winning team was. The winners would spend the entire day and night in Las Vegas. Ramsay bringing out the big prize early. This was the perfect segueway into the day’s challenge: a “Hell’s Kitchen” staple “Hell’s Kitchen Craps.” Each chef rolled the die and would choose an ingredient that starts with the letter the die landed on. They would then have to cook using only those ingredients.

The Red chose potatoes, duck, limes, lemons, heirloom tomatoes and pine nuts. The Blue chose cauliflower, Chilean sea bass, leeks, mache, daikon and tomatoes.

For this challenge Ramsay said he would only be tasting one dish that each team said is the best. The Red Chose La Tasha’s dish and the Bleu chose Bryant’s. Sade was obviously upset that nobody on her team tasted her dish. Ramsay even said afterwards that if they put Sade’s dish up the Blue would’ve won instead of the Red. This isn’t anything new. This type of thing has been going on since season one.

While the Red enjoyed Las Vegas and dinner at Ramsay’s “Burgr” at “Planet Hollywood” it was delivery day at “Hell’s Kitchen.” That meant carrying pounds and pounds of ice and a giant fish. Sade even confronted the Blue team about them not tasting her dish. She almost left but Santos calmed her down. It’s understandable that she got upset.

The next day Steve complained that he could not bend his right knee and that it was swollen. After a tip to the hospital and a brace Ramsay told Steve that he was not comfortable with him continuing. Once again, seeing a chef leaving because of sickness/injury is always terrible.

This episode’s dinner service had two chef table VIPs. For the Blue it was “The Police” drummer Stewart Copeland and the Red had “Aerosmith” frontman Steven Tyler. And, yes, Liv was with him.

The Blue Team was perfect. Yes, a perfect service in the ninth episode. It’s a miracle in hell.

The Red Team on the other was nothing but hell created by Frank. He started things off with bringing up rubbery scallops and overcooked lobster tail. La Tasha had to help him with the scallops. He would later bring up salmon with the skin still raw. This was after La Tasha told him that the skin should be crispy. To make matters worse, when the Blue was finishing their last table the Red still had seven left. This time the blame can be put on Frank. He would continue his horrible service by overcooking a bunch of salmon. The Blue were forced to help the Red finish service.

After dinner service Ramsay spent no time eliminating somebody. He eliminated Frank, which Ramsay said he rarely does whenever a chef is forced to leave due to injury. He did appreciate the letter Frank gave him.

Frank’s elimination was bound to happen. He was given too many second chances and this time he just destroyed himself. The Red might bounce back after this, but then again the Red might continue to be horrible at dinner service.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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