Hell’s Kitchen Coverage: Catalina Island-Bound

It’s down to who will get the coveted black jackets in “Hell’s Kitchen.” Of course, Ramsay wants these chefs to show of their artistry skills first.

When the chefs came down to the dining room this episode Ramsay greeted them along with speed painter Tim Decker doing a portrait of Ramsay. Ramsay used this as an example of how chefs used dishes as pieces of art. The challenge was for the chefs to create two servings of an amuse-bouche (French small, one bite dish.) The two dishes that stood out were Jennifer’s and Santos’s. Jennifer for putting a prawn’s head on her dish and Santos for using one too many ingredients.

To help with the taste test was the Editor-in-Chief of “Epicurious.com” Tanya Steel. The way Ramsay did this taste test was for all members of the Red Team to go first then the Blue. Each dish was graded on a scale of 1-5. In all, the Red got 16 points and the Blue won with 23 points. It’s about time and a nice change of pace that the Blue Team won. Sade was also super stoked to finally have gotten out of “Hell’s Kitchen.”

The Blue’s reward was a day on Catalina Island and lunch at “Blue Water Grill.” Also, they got to ride in a helicopter. Santos tried and failed to skip a giant rock on the water. He also almost hit a boat.

The Red, on the other hand, spent the day opening coconuts and making coconut milk. Sterling, as his usual self, made light of the situation by putting two coconut halves on his chest and dance around. This was the weirdest we’ve seen Sterling act all season. It was both funny and creepy at the same time.

After the punishment Jennifer was once again not feeling well. She broke out and her throat closed. It was so bad she had to go to the hospital. Turned out she is allergic to coconuts. She did come back for dinner service, which is a massive relief as she is one of the better chefs this season.

Dinner service went surprisingly near perfect. The only major downsides were Sterling constantly messed up on the scallops. This was after Roe told him a trick to cooking them and after getting his first two attempts right. Also, Santos messed up on two orders of scallops for VIP guest Lou Diamond Phillips.

This was without a doubt the best dinner service this season. It’s a shame that Ramsay eliminated Sterling right after service ended. Sterling’s antics will be missed for the rest of the season. He will most likely be back. Ramsay also asked for two nominees for elimination. The Red chose Roe and the Blue chose Santos. This was one of Ramsay’s fake outs as he gave the remaining six chefs black jackets.

It’s black jacket time. This is when these chefs put everything they learned to test and see if they deserve to be Ramsay’s new executive chef. Jessica, La Tasha and Bryant seem like the frontrunners while Roe will most likely get eliminated next week.

About Rocco Sansone 876 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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