Top Ten Christmas Movies

Christmas movies have been around for almost 100 years. These movies range from memorable to “what were they thinking?” With so many movies to choose from it’s hard to decide which ones are worth your time. is here to countdown its ten best Christmas movies.

10: The Santa Clause: Yes, this movie has its fair share of problems, but once you get past them you’ll find an entertaining movie that is just dumb fun for people of all ages.

9:Home Alone: The movie that skyrocketed Macaulay Culkin’s career and inspired every 90s kids movie is an enjoyable family comedy. Yes, some of the humor may be stale, but beneath the comedy lays a movie with a lot of passion and a message that is not drilled into your head like a lot of Christmas movies.

8: Hogfather: This is one of the most obscure entries on this list due to the “Discworld” series not being very popular in America. If you do give this movie a try, you’ll find a hilarious spoof of Christmas with Death taking the place of the Discworld’s version of Santa Clause. Plus, it’s Ian Richardson as Death.

7: Gremlins: Horror movies based on or around Christmas are usually pretty horrible for many reasons (“Santa’s Slay” starring former wrestler Bill Goldberg, anyone?) but “Gremlins” just gets it right. The story is interesting, the characters are interesting and it’s just generally well done. Not to mention everyone loves Gizmo.

6: The Nightmare Before Christmas: Tim Burton’s most famous movie does have a sort of identity problem. Is it a Christmas movie or is it a Halloween movie? It’s both actually. Besides that it has a great story, memorable characters and songs that’ll get stuck in your head. It’s just an all around fun movie.

5: A Charlie Brown Christmas: One of the first televised animated Christmas specials is still one of the best. Once you get past the awkward acting, you’ll see that this special has heart, an interesting story and a message that rings true to the holiday season.

4: A Muppet Christmas Carol: It’s the Muppets doing Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol.” What more can be said?

3: A Christmas Story: Every kid can relate to this movie. There’s a popular but dangerous toy you want for Christmas and you’ll do anything to get it. Also, we all can relate to the weird family that we all want to leave.

2: A Christmas Carol (1951): There have been many adaptations of Charles Dickens’s masterpiece, but the best by far is the 1951 version starring Alastair Sim. Sim just brings so much to the role of Scrooge. In fact, the entire cast does an excellent job. It’s also one of the most faithful adaptations of the book.

1: It’s a Wonderful Life: There’s a reason this movie is a Christmas staple. It’s the “everyman” story of a man helping a ton of people, getting to his breaking point, wishing he’d never been born, finding out how many lives he’s helped and then loving life again. It’s a story to remind people that no matter how hard your life is, there will always be people there for you. That’s why it’s #1 on this list.

About Rocco Sansone 876 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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