Hell’s Kitchen Recap: Shaky Camera

The chefs put on their best fishing gear because they were fishing for crabs in this week’s episode of “Hell’s Kitchen.” Do mind the obvious mounted camera.

As with any “Hell’s Kitchen” episode two or three, the chefs got woken up by something loud and obnoxious. This time it was alarm clocks all going off at the same. There was even a cuckoo clock! And the chefs had to turn them all off.

After that loud wakeup call, the chefs were told to pack a bag because they were leaving “Hell’s Kitchen.” Yay, road trip. They were sent to a beach where Ramsay was waiting for them with four boats. “You all look tired,” Ramsay told them. You think? Ramsay had one of the better challenges we’ve seen yet. Each team had to go into two boats, row towards buoys where they had to lift up crab cages filled with crabs, collect twenty crabs and come back.

The Blue did pretty well and finished first. The Red took some doing just to get the boat to go anywhere. Because the Blue finished first they had a thirty-second head start in part two of the challenge. Here they had to split into teams of two to make crab cakes. The first team to make ten perfect crab cakes win.

The Blue may have had a thirty-second head start, but they were insanely slow in making the crab cakes. This cost them in that the Red finished before them. So a bunch of chefs are better at rowing a boat than cooking crab cakes.

The Red’s reward was a day in Scottsdale, Arizona where they went horseback riding. They also had lunch at “Talavera Restaurant.” Monique was the only one not comfortable on a horse. When she got on she was terrified. It was a good thing the horse was calm and did not buck her off.

The Blue spent the day cleaning shrimp, clams and lobsters. It was here that Cameron decided to be a leader which in “Hell’s Kitchen” terms means “annoying little bastard.” He even went in the back when everyone started complaining.

Of course, this was just the beginning of the Blue Team’s problems. Dinner service proved to be a nightmare.

The Blue’s dinner service woes began when Michael made a beet salad that was not on the order. His excuse was the “voices in his head” told him to make it. Lovely. Cameron would then bring up undercooked scallops. Ramsay decided to show him how to cook scallops. Even after his help, Cameron still managed to undercook them. This caused Ramsay to bring the entire team into the pantry for a cooldown and a meeting. Also, Ramsay made the punishment worse by making the pantry door not have a handle on the inside. Now that’s just mean. Fish would continue to be a problem when Brendan made an overcooked salmon. He and Cameron were forced to eat it. Another bad scallop later and Cameron, Brendan and Michael were thrown out. The rest soon followed when nobody was able to remember an order.

The only downside to the Red was that Mieka was all over the place. She was so nervous and confused she was repeating “oh my god” among other things. Besides that the Red finished dinner service.

At the elimination, the Blue nominated Cameron and Michael with Cameron getting eliminated.

Once again, this season aired a strong episode. It was entertaining, no melodrama in sight, the mistakes actually made sense and the correct chef was eliminated. The only downside was whoever set up the cameras didn’t do that well of a job. They stood out like a sore thumb everywhere in “Hell’s Kitchen.” They were almost distracting.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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