This episode of “Better Call Saul†reveals who the true backstabber to Jimmy is.
“Pimento†shows Chuck return back to the firm while greeted with a standing ovation. Jimmy is irate after he discovers that Howard wants Jimmy not to be part of the case. We come to discover a revelation about Chuck later on in this episode that may cause the rise of Saul Goodman.
Mike gets introduced to his two partners on a job, one a giant mountain of a man, the other, a real life Trevor from the video game “Grand Theft Auto 4.” What was great about this scene is how Mike handled himself by being calm cool and collected. You really enjoy every moment he is on screen because his character is extremely likeable, and he is a fan favorite.
Jimmy is in a tricky situation after he is basically told that he cannot be part of the case he created and worked so hard for. After he gets a visit from Kim who tells him to take Howard’s offer he sleeps on his decision and has an interesting chat with Chuck the following morning. We come to discover that Chuck called Howard to tell him not to let Jimmy be part of the case. It was Chuck all along that held Jimmy back. It turns out that Chuck thinks that Jimmy cannot change and that he is making a mockery out of the law by getting his degree from an online low accredited college. Chuck’s issue with Jimmy is that he believes he took shortcuts to get where he is. Chuck on the other hand had to work very hard to become the successful lawyer he is today.
The reality is that Jimmy is a genius and has caught up faster than Chuck ever had in becoming a good lawyer. This angers Chuck and makes him jealous of the fact that his younger brother might be a better lawyer than he is. Chuck still can’t forget about Jimmy’s criminal past, and questions his younger brother about being slipping Jimmy- the person he had to bail out of Jail many times and keep him out of there for good.
Now that Jimmy has found out how his brother really feels about him, he has decided to leave him and take care of himself. Will this mean that Jimmy will go back to his old ways which include shady tactics of stealing or will we the Saul Goodman emerge? With one episode left this season, it will be interesting to see if any familiar faces appear, or even how Mike will continue to grow as a character we all love.
Read More from Nick Valente at Examiner.com
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