When people think of mice in any medium they automatically think of Mickey Mouse. There really isn’t much out there in terms of mice besides Mickey Mouse, “Redwall,†“Mause†and the “American Tail†movies. Hashtag Comics has come up with a brand new story featuring mice called “Tailwands†written by Drew Crowder and art by Morgan Rae Myers. The first issue shows that this comic is going places.
The story is about a young mouse named Kaya who is supposed to go through a trial called “Trial of the Elder’s Door.†After performing the trial she becomes what’s known as a Tailwand. What that is is a mouse with magical powers who can use runes from nature. Little does she know she is actually fulfilling a prophesy.
This story sounds like a “Redwall†book. In actuality, it does have plenty of things that make it its own world. The idea of mice using their tails to cast spells is one of the most original ideas to use for mice. There is no main antagonist yet, but hopefully Crowder does know what he’s doing.
The characters are well written and likable. They don’t come across as cliché, and they each of their own likable personalities. The only real complaint about the characters is Kaya. When she gets her power she comes across as an airhead who does not take getting powers seriously. In fact, that one scene almost kills any hope of readers liking that character.
The artwork is pretty solid. The characters may be mice, but Myers makes them look almost human. It’s a difficult task to pull off, but here that technique shines. The backgrounds bring the world of Boe to life. The wooded areas look luscious and the towns are full of life and lived in. The only instance where the art faulters is with Valta’s face. She looks like she is constantly eating a “Warhead†and somehow is able to keep her eyes open.
“Tailwinds #1†has a great story that may sound cliché but has plenty to make it unique and worthwhile. The art is also high point of the comic which just adds to the charm.
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