Come Prima Review: Brilliant

People run from their past for various reasons. Some even go back to it because they have to. That’s the case in Alfred’s new comic “Come Prima” (Italian for “Like Before”) translated by “Studio Charon” and published by “Delcourt.” This comic pushes all the right buttons for excellence.

Fabio left everything in his Italian village during World War II. Years later, living in the French countryside, his brother Giovanni finally tracks him down and tells Fabio that their dad died and they have to return his ashes to Italy. During the long trip, Fabio and Giovanni learn about what happened to each other over the years, especially the things they didn’t want to know.

This may sound like a simple story, but once you peel away the layers you’ll find a deep, human story. The thing that makes this story stand out is how Alfred manages to bring out each characters personality. How they really feel, the dark parts of their past and their relationships with each other are fully on display.

The most apparent theme in this story is two brothers on the verge of almost killing each other. Giovanni hates Fabio because he left when he was needed and Fabio hates Giovanni because he doesn’t want anything to do with his past. The way it’s handled is rather realistic and not in a sitcom manner.

There are some parts of the story some people will not like. One of them is when Alfred decides to be a little too artistic with his storytelling. This may be seen as a clever narrative tool to some while others will be confused.

There are two art styles going on here. One is the normal story and one is the flashbacks. The normal story looks like a normal European comic which shows how the real world looks like on paper. The colors used for nature, buildings and people blend together nicely to make what seems like an animated medium come alive. The flashbacks are drawn in an Italian poster style with the only colors used are red, blue and tan. This style, though not for everyone, does a nice job of connecting Fabio’s past to his heritage.

“Come Prima” is an excellent story about finding oneself by returning to the past. The brilliant characters and artwork together to bring together a comic that should not be missed by anyone.

About Rocco Sansone 872 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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