If arguably the Eternal Warrior is the Valiant universe’s moral center, then Bloodshot is its hammer. He may be the only character you’ll find who has gained his humanity through killing. In issue 10 of “Bloodshot Reborn†the titular character simultaneously looks back to the place in his life that he’s in now. As counterintuitive as that is, it’s not unusual for a man whose voices in his head have finally quieted. Actual voices that were implanted by the PRS so that Bloodshot would do their bidding. But that chapter of his life is over and his “happily ever after†with his girl Magic has been going strong for 30-years.
Let’s remember that this world is filled with characters who are constantly intersecting with each other. In Bloodshot’s corner of this realm a hunt for water would make Mad Max pee himself. There are the nefarious shadowmen and goo-bots in X-O Manowar looking armor flying over the perimeter of a dessert. Amidst these happenings our hero recaps the reader on what has become of Aric of Dacia and the others. Worst of all, this post-apocalyptic landscape looks as if it’s nearly lost all hope.
In the beginning of this new chapter Jeff Lemire gives a glimmer of normalcy. There are ordinary children who are indulging their curiosity. They aren’t killer-bred psiots. Instead, they are part of a compound protected from the evils of the outside world. A world that feels as if it’s closing in. If anything these children, Bloodshot’s harrowing journey to provide for those he cares for has become a turning point. There seems to be an electricity in the air. What’s going to happen to Bloodshot? What about Magic and the people of the compound? How did California become a sectioned off wasteland?
The thing is that Lemire has contained his narrative so that the reader only sees this world through Bloodshot’s perspective. From his view while driving to the desolation of the place where he steals water, you only know about this reality through one set of eyes. Even the panels reflect Bloodshot’s actions and thought process. There are pages that are slightly askew or you would see one large panel take over an entire page. All these techniques place the reader right in the middle of the action and still you won’t know what’s going on. There also seems to be a declaration against technology. Bloodshot insists on doing everything “clean.†The “Goo-Tech†as it’s called seems to be the root of the current apathy of the privileged few who get to live within the confines of the walls built around California. Just who is behind all of this? What happened to this world and who controls it now?
One thing is for certain, it all seems to be coming to a head. In his own series the Eternal Warrior is still battling to get back to the land of the living. Is it Bloodshot he’s trying to get back to? And what about the heroes not mentioned, where are they? Is there more hope to go around? Lemire has continued to perpetuate the legacy of an interesting character and sends the reader leaping into a new adventure.
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