Review Fix chats with Courteney Lynn Wilds who discusses her innovative new project, Classical Voice TV, which is set to change Opera and Classical music in ways most theatre-goers couldn’t and wouldn’t expect.
For more on CVTV.com, click here.
Review Fix: What was the inspiration for this project?
Courteney Lynn Wilds: Well, I decided to embark upon this journey because I wanted to develop a television show (situation comedy) about an opera singer’s life off the stage. As singers, we run into some very laughable situations, so I started developing stories. My next question, of course, was where am I going to show this comedy? I didn’t want to put it on YouTube because, in the sea of opera and classical singing on YouTube, I was afraid it might get lost. I also thought about putting it into television festivals (which I will most likely do), but after the festival, what would happen to it? Then a little voice said to me, “why don’t you put it on your own network?†After picking myself off the floor from laughing, I began to think about it and think about it and think about it. I spoke to my brother Jim, who is my sounding board, and he thought it was a great idea (by the way, he HATES opera but loves classical music and theater). So with his endorsement, I thought, why not? He’s an IT guy, so he let me know that the technology exists for a live streaming network with on-demand content, which meant it was physically possible. So I decided to go for it.
Review Fix: What’s your creative process like?
Wilds: A jumbled mess in all honesty! But what do I mean by that? I have so many thoughts running through my head about this project that it is actually difficult to stop myself and just settle down. So, what I do is write my ideas in a reporter’s notebook, so I won’t forget the thought. Then I go back to it each morning (or more often) when I sit at my computer to see what I had been thinking. I also have a very structured business process that I’ve developed after years of running my own marketing research firm and working with large corporations. That structured process allows me to flush out my thoughts and to get a better idea of exactly what it will take to get this project live and moving.
Review Fix: What makes this different or special?
Wilds: Besides the fact that I’ve never done this before? Everything. No one is doing this in opera today. My colleagues are either starting musical groups (of which I have one too) or beginning opera companies. No one, to my knowledge, is leveraging the extendibility of the internet in a way that is innovative. Anyone can create an opera if they have the knowledge. But what we are doing is different. We are going to have a unique programming, scripted series, films, documentaries, produced and directed by singers. Opera singers come in all types of professions – personal trainers, photographers, chefs – we are going to leverage all of this to create something that will not just be about singing but entertaining for whoever may watch. Traditional opera will not be left behind, but we are going to showcase new works as well as new ways of producing standard repertoire. We are going to have the most talented singers around doing what they do best, singing, but not in the usual park and bark way most people are used to. I’m also hoping to inspire my colleagues to create content for the network. A lot of singers have a lot of other talents – they act (as I do), they paint, they compose music – and I’m developing a home for all of that with Classical Voice Television. But I have to say that best part about the network will be the amount of talent that is in opera today that you just don’t get an opportunity to see. Really talented singers, who shouldn’t be missed or ignored, will perform on this channel. And I’m excited to create a space for them to share that talent with new audiences.
Review Fix: What did you learn about yourself through this process?
Wilds: How much of a risk taker I am. In business circles, I would probably look at myself and think I was crazy to try to create a service while in some ways creating and others expanding a market that is shrinking. But I’m so driven, failure is not an option. This will happen – that is my attitude, which surprises me. I can be a real “show me the proof†kind of person, yet that doesn’t seem to apply here. The other thing I’m finding out is that I’m really an artist. I create things whether shows, music, characters. I’m really an artist and I have talent that I want to share not just with the United States but with the world. For years, I have just taken instruction or done what someone told me. But now I have a voice and a vision. Classical Voice Television is just one of the ways I’m using to share my artistry and the artistry of other singers.
Review Fix: How does it feel to be a part of something like this?
Wilds: Frightening, scary, exciting and fun all rolled together. I know I’m doing something that no one has heard of so that makes is scary – will people be interested? Will they care? Will they watch? Will advertisers/sponsors be interested? Will singers respect what I’m doing? Will the opera industry call me a crackpot and reject this? These are all questions that run through my mind every day. But the fun part is working on it, looking at possible content and getting exciting when I see a performance/show/film that I know would do well on CVTV. The researcher part of me is always seeking and looking for content. That’s fun! I had the pleasure of sitting in on auditions for a new series that will be part of the network. And listening to singers share their talent was great. There were a few times I had to hold back tears or keep from laughing out loud because the singers were so incredibly talented. That makes this worthwhile and exciting.
Review Fix: What are your goals for the station and its programs?
Wilds: Our overall vision is to become the number 1 online network where the world comes to hear, learn and enjoy original classical vocal music programming 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I’m hoping that each show will inform, educate and entertain the opera and classical vocal music viewer through its medium – comedies, drama, lifestyle, educational programming and performances. Most importantly, I want my brother and people like him to watch it. I have a joke with my team. I tell them that every show has to pass that litmus test “Will Jim watch this?†If it does, then it can go on the network.
Review Fix: Who do you think your audiences will enjoy the most?
Wilds: Wow. That’s a huge question. I really don’t know yet. I think some viewers will have their favorite shows or favorite characters. However, what I really hope is that they are so entertained that they keep coming back. That they fall in love with some of the singers that they will see and that they will find their websites and begin to follow their careers. We have a show in development that showcases not only singing but the singers – you get to see them in their everyday life. I think this may be one of the favorites of the network because I think people will be able to relate to the singers and they will be able to see that they are everyday people just like them.
Review Fix: What’s next?
Wilds: Well, right now I’m spending my time working on the infrastructure of the network. We have an internal deadline to make for beta testing the site so we can launch on time (fingers crossed). My Vice President of Programming for CVTV, Jamila Geiseler, is working on contracting content, which of course is extremely important. So, that means more viewing and more listening to singers! And we are both working on finding sponsors for the shows. And then there is my singing career too – singing doesn’t stop, it continues as well. So although my plate is pretty full, I’m busting at the seams with excitement and joy about this project! CVTV coming to an internet near you.
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