Review Fix chats with writer Jody Houser on Valiant’s new Faith series, discussing what makes it unique in the company’s already intriguing lineup of monthly books.
About Faith:
Orphaned at a young age, Faith Herbert – a psionically gifted “psiot†discovered by the Harbinger Foundation – has always aspired to greatness. But now this once ordinary teenager is taking control of her destiny and becoming the hard-hitting hero she’s always known she can be – complete with a mild-mannered secret identity, unsuspecting colleagues, and a day job as a reporter that routinely throws into her harms way! Well, at least she thought it would… When she’s not typing up listicles about cat videos, Faith makes a secret transformation to patrol the night as the City of Angels’ own leading superhero – the sky-soaring Zephyr!
Review Fix: What comics did you read as a kid? How do you think they inspired this one?
Jody Houser: I primarily read superhero books, which is the exact same thing that Faith herself read as a kid. I think it was the dream of being a superhero that inspired as much as the stories themselves, which helped me with my take on Faith. My favorite book as a kid was Catwoman, and while Selina Kyle is a very different character than Faith, I tried to bring some of the anything-goes fun that I loved in that series to this book.
Review Fix: What series that you’ve worked on previously do you think has had the biggest effect on your creative process?
Houser: Writing Orphan Black last year was my first time working on a monthly book, and it really taught me how to work under time restraints. I think one of the most important things to learn if you want to work on a monthly book is how to tailor your creative process, whatever it is, to work on a tight schedule.
Review Fix: Who do you think will enjoy Faith the most?
Houser: I think anyone who has a love of superheroes and geek culture will enjoy FAITH. It’s full of almost as many geeky references as I make on a daily basis. Above all, it’s meant to be a fun superhero story.
Review Fix: Bottom line- why is the Faith series special?
Houser: Faith is really one of us. She’s the life-long geek who always wanted to be a superhero and now actually has the chance to help save to world. FAITH will focus on her finding out just how great of a superhero she can be.
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