As viewers of Professional Wrestling, we, the audience need our “fix,” a witty television show that expands belief and grasps our attention. Whether the audience is more “casual,” or brimming with a barrage of internet “marks,” we, as a unified congregation need something more entertaining in regards to the WWE product. Over the past few years, the WWE has been successful in garnering positive ratings and having every audience member glued to their television. When referring to the modern era, or past few months, ratings have hit an all-time low, the company’s self-proclaimed “face†still receives a good number of boos and injuries are plaguing what is supposed to be an immense WrestleMania. If WWE is intending on selling every ticket and setting a new attendance record this year for WrestleMania in Dallas then things need to get on track, that all starts with the Royal Rumble.
If WWE is intending on selling every ticket and setting a new attendance record this year for WrestleMania in Dallas, things need to get on track, that all starts with the Royal Rumble.
Before every rumble, rumors circulate over who will be a surprise entrant and who will ultimately win. The big news story currently is the rumor of A.J Styles (a multiple time World Champion who is idolized by the internet wrestling community) coming to the WWE after a career of Indy-dedication. Styles is a TNA veteran and has had a huge amount of success in NJPW and ROH. With the title on the line for this rumble, it’s only fair to the fans who are begging for change to have Styles make history and “shake things up.” With the Bullet Club being rumored to “invade†everything WWE, there is a distinct possibility if done right, this potential angle can be bigger and even better than the NWO. If Styles does indeed claim the WWE title this Sunday by winning the rumble, that change can be kick started.f WWE Has a Roman “repeat “at the rumble, the boos will be louder than last year and subscriptions will be cancelled. It’s a safe bet anyway that Roman will lose the title at the Royal Rumble by being distracted by the “Game†Triple H. Whether that sets up Roman vs HHH, or HHH vs The Rock, it still creates a story better than what is being fed to fans currently.
If WWE Has a Roman “repeat “at the rumble, the boos will be louder than last year and subscriptions to the WWE Network will be cancelled, believe that. It’s a safe bet anyway that Roman will lose the title at the Royal Rumble by being distracted by the “Game†Triple H. Whether that sets up Roman vs HHH, or HHH vs The Rock, it still creates a story better than what is being fed to fans currently.
The creative missteps are far worse in the middle of the card. Dean Ambrose has become a lost cause in the sense that his creative direction has been flawed, lost in the shuffle and if not inserted more, he can join the likes of Marty Jannety in the wrestling “reject†department. Fortunately the odds of that happening are extremely unlikely due to the fan base Ambrose has. Ambrose is a fantastic talent who deserves better than an I.C Title run, he deserves the world title. But before that, at WrestleMania he should “steal the show†and further earn his spot at the show of shows. At WrestleMania, Ambrose should defend the Intercontintal title against a hungry challenger, whether it’s a gold-hungry submission machine of Samoa Joe, or a Kevin Owens rematch, the creative flow is still up in the air. Ambrose needs a credible opponent for the show of shows, he needs to shine in Dallas.
With WrestleMania taking place in Texas, home of the Undertaker, rumors have circulated stating that this ‘Mania could be his last. If the rumors are true and the Deadman ends his career this coming April, he should be in the main event and have a farewell for the ages. But with all of the injuries suffered in the past months who could he face? The dream match of Taker vs. Sting isn’t happening and Cena vs. Taker would be a classic but injuries have plagued that idea. Will we see a new Phenom? Will we be wowed with whoever Undertaker faces? The cards are still on the table, and unless the WWE can take a better creative direction we will most likely will be fed the same old bunk.
Could NXT solve that problem? The WWE is in a unique situation that can make or most likely break creative direction for the coming months. WrestleMania must be a tremendous showing, but with the majority of top talent injured it’s time to establish newer talent as the dominant breed. Without Superstars like Seth Rollins, John Cena, Randy Orton, or Cesaro available for WrestleMania,  it’s time for a new era, a new regime of Superstars ready to grasp the “brass ring.” NXT is so heavily loved by the masses of wrestling fans due to its fresh every-week contemporary flow. It’s something different and it helps gain exposure for up and coming wrestlers. So, if we can’t have Cena, Orton, Rollins or Cesaro, can these wrestlers get the best exposure possible: Wrestlemania 32?
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