The Shadow Glass #1 Review: Wonderful

There are things in this world that us humans cannot escape. One such thing is our pasts, Especially if that past has some supernatural elements to it. Aly Fell uses this idea in “The Shadow Glass” and weaves a story that in the first issue is truly remarkable.

Rosalind has just found out that the man who has raised her entire life is not really her father. This man is also dying of a tumor. With this knowledge, Rosalind seeks the help of Dr. Dee, an old family friend, only to have her past catch up to her.

The plot of the first issue seems more like an exposition dump than a real story. However, what we do get from this first issue is a pretty interesting background to a story that in future issues should play out to something truly remarkable. Rosalind is an interesting character despite her being a tomboy in the 16th Century. Fell manages to not make her entire character this one trope but instead makes Rosalind an actual person with that one perk.

We do get to see the Shadow Glass in this issue, but only briefly. What we do see is a decent introduction, but not an in your face info dump. There is plenty of time for that in the next issues.

The art is well done for this type of setting. The characters look lifelike and are appropriate to that era. Rosalind’s design especially shows off Fell’s skill. Rosalind has an air of elegance mixed in with a free spirit and strength that makes her a well fleshed out character.

“The Shadow Glass” may start out with an exposition dump, but what we get out of it is a well thought out interesting story mixed with great art. It may start slow, but there is enough evidence that says the rest of the story may leave the reader breathless come the conclusion.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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