Review Fix chats with Kinky Rhino’s Jeffrey Wright, who discusses the band’s recently release debut EP, as well as their standout single, “Garage Rogue.â€
Review Fix: How did the band get together?
Jeffrey Wright: I work as a touring drummer for Blue Man Group and that’s a wonderful gig, but life on the road can get pretty monotonous. So, the other musicians and I were looking for a way to have some fun and play some different music when we can. We had a break last fall and I recorded our debut EP during that time. Then, when work resumed towards the very end of the year, they learned the songs and we started booking late night club gigs after our BMG shows.
Review Fix: What makes your self-titled debut a special EP?
Wright: I guess one thing is that I wrote the songs and performed them all myself. It is a true solo project in that sense, and it’s been really fun, but I hope to find a full-time band once this tour ends in the summer and this line up has to go our separate ways. I wish we could stick together, I love these guys, but it’s just not feasible.
Review Fix: What are your goals for this EP?
Wright: The biggest goal was just to record and release it. Writing for and fronting my own band has been a dream of mine since I was young, so the fact that I’m even doing this feels like I’ve accomplished a lot. I’m very happy at this point in my life.
Review Fix: How important is social media to the band?
Wright: It’s everything, especially since we don’t have a home base. We can’t really build up a hometown following while living this gypsy lifestyle. The vast majority of our interaction with fans has to happen online, and it’s been great because they start showing up in person at the shows and we can start making more personal connections there. The Internet is a wonderful tool, but nothing beats the real thing, baby.
Review Fix: How are your live shows different from your studio work?
Wright: Like I said before, it’s all me in the studio thus far, so getting these other guys involved gives the music new life. I love seeing and hearing what they do with the songs, and feeling the energy they bring to it.
Review Fix: What has inspired your sound the most?
Wright: Fuzzy guitar pedals.
Review Fix: What’s next?
Wright: We will be on the road until at least late June, possibly a little longer; you can check KinkyRhinoMusic.com for dates. Then I am going to record a full-length and move out of Orlando to some cliché city like New York or L.A. to sell out/become a waiter.
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