World of Tanks #1 Review: Pass

unnamedOne of the biggest online games today is “World of Tanks.” It has slowly gained a following and that following continues to grow today. Garth Ennis and Carlos Ezquerra have teamed to write a comic based on this game and the first issue isn’t all that interesting of a read.

During the Battle of Normandy, England’s Yeomanry arrive in their tanks to take on the Nazi’s Panthers of Panzerabteilung 130 division.

That’s the entire plot of the comic. There really isn’t much to work with since “World of Tanks” doesn’t have a story. The only thing anyone can do is use major “World War II” battles and create a story from there.

That’s exactly what Ennis did the overall story is OK. Tank battles are always fun and, if done right and with strong writing, can be interesting. See: “Girls und Panzer” of the first episode of “Tank Police.” What little story here is passable for a “World War II” setting. The characters themselves are also OK. There isn’t much to them, however.

You have to give Ennis points for historical accuracy. The English soldiers actually do talk in “World War II” soldier speak (“Jerry” for Nazi soldier, “bugger.”)

Ezquerra’s art also falls into the OK category. It’s similar to his “Judge Dredd” art but doesn’t work that well here. It works in “Judge Dredd” because there a lot that can be done with the characters and world even if it looks a little rough. It doesn’t translate well when trying to depict real life. If anything it’s unpleasant to look at for too long.

“World of Thanks” is an overall OK comic both in its story and art. It may something hardcore fans of “World of Tanks” of “World War II” enthusiasts, but for a general audience, it’s a pass. You’re better off just playing the game which will give you a more entertainment than this comic.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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