Spell on Wheels #1 Review: Dull

One of the rules about witches is that you don’t do anything bad to them even when the witch’s rede says “Do what you will, so long as it harms none.” Apparently, someone didn’t get the memo in the comic ‘Spell on Wheels” written by Kate Leth with art by Megan Levens and colors by Marissa Louise. Even with witches, the spell cast by this comic has little potency.

Someone has broken into the house of three witches and stole a bunch of magical items. One of them is a spell that is supposed to give anyone who has the potential to use magic the ability to use magic. In the wrong hands, it hand be disastrous. Now these witches have to take a road trip to find all of their stolen items that have now been sold on an online auction.

This plot is the typical something of power gets stolen and it’s up to the main leads to get it back story. This story is a lot simpler than the usual world ending ones, though. Sadly, the story comes across as average at best. The item and reason for the item to be stolen isn’t that interesting.

Not to mention the characters are pretty boring. There’s the newbie to witchcraft, the psychic and the rune master. All three of them do have some semblance of a personality, but what we get isn’t enough to make us care about them. They just don’t pop out of the page and grab the reader at any time during the story.

That doesn’t mean this story isn’t salvageable. There is plenty of room for improvement and a lot can be done to make these characters and story somewhat interesting.

The art is the best thing about this comic. The character designs are creative for the tone and setting and the colors do add to the art. Some of the backgrounds are a little boring, but the overall look of the comic is nice.

The first issue of “Spell on Wheels” has a dull story with dull characters and better than average art. There is room for this story to get better with the next issues, but for now, this comic doesn’t have a lot to keep an audience.

About Rocco Sansone 874 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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