Empress #7 Review: A Great Conclusion

“Empress” by Mark Millar and Stuart Immonen has received praise all over despite some minor shortcomings. With issue #7, the finale, out this issue perfectly encapsulates everything great and everything with this series.

The Empress and company are attacked by Quez led by the Empress’s sister. On top of that, Aine’s disappeared, meaning that there are now two problems that need to be resolved.

While there is a lot of great things happening in this issue, such as how they get past the Quez, most of it is pretty ant-climatic. The biggest is how this whole chase that’s been leading up to seven issues ends in a one-sided fight and a sequel bait.

The overall series has been impressive. The plot was great as well as some of the characters. The best character was Tor. He had a lot of great scenes that showed why he is tough as nails. He also had some of the best lines in the entire series. There should be more of him.

The worst aspect was the children. Except for maybe two plot elements, they were useless and annoying. Plot devices that served more as extra baggage than anything else. What happens to Aine at the end will make you cringe and question why she ended up like that.

The art is also a highlight of the series, but with a few low points. The high points are that the character designs look impressive and the action scenes look awesome. The low points are some of the backgrounds are boring and sometimes the art takes a dip in quality whenever there’s a lot going on in the panel.

“Empress” has been a series that featured a great plot, characters and art despite some low points. Part two should have the same quality as part one with more of Tor, please. The kids need to be better than written because they were the worst part of the series.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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