Review Fix chats with Negligence’s Alex Skolfjanec who discusses the band’s origin, creative process, upcoming album and track “Anima.†More than Thrash Metal-ers, these guys have a unique sound that simply screams from every amp.
For more on the band, click here.
Review Fix: How did you guys get together?
Alex Skolfjanec: The story of Negligence started back in 2000, a couple of guitar players with the same passion for music got together, recorded some demos and eventually recruited the rest of the band. After a few necessary line-up changes we’ve settled down and never looked back.
Review Fix: What’s your creative process like?
Skolfjanec: It really depends on who’s making the music. Usually the first thing that everything gets built upon is the riff. Somebody comes up with a riff we all like and we start building around it, start adding the drums, I start adding the vocals and we just play around with it, until it sounds about right. It’s not a fast process, but a very fruitful one in the end.
Review Fix: What do you think makes this band special?
Skolfjanec: I don’t think I can be the judge of that, to be honest. For me it makes it special ’cause I know we put maximum effort into every aspect of the music we release and the music itself always comes from the heart, which is something I don’t get to hear often these days.
Review Fix: How would you describe your style?
Skolfjanec: We get classified as Thrash Metal a lot, which is great and often very true, but the only motto that we have, when it comes to writing is that it has to sound good to us. Obviousl,y it has to rip, but doesn’t necessary need to be 1986 Bay Area riffing, it just has to have balls.
Review Fix: What are your goals for this album?
Skolfjanec: To conquer the world. We’re very, very proud of this record and I think it can go far if we put it in the right hands.
Review Fix: What’s the standout song? Is there a story behind it?
Skolfjanec: I really hope we never make an album that has just one stand-out song. For us, it has always been about the overall quality of the whole album and not just a single with eight fillers dragging for 45 minutes. If I can choose I’d probably say people are gonna be surprised with “Anima”, which is a song that explores the feminine side of a male’s mind in certain situations.
Review Fix: What’s next?
Skolfjanec: Release the album, promote it properly, hopefully make a video for one or two songs and hit the road and spread our gospel to the world.
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