Angel Catbird #2 Review: Stellar

A comic with the title “Angel Catbird” sounds like an absolutely ridiculous idea. The first issue showed that writer Margaret Atwood and illustrator Jonnie Christmas can make great. The second issue is just as great as the first.

After escaping from Muroid, Catbird, and co. continue on to Castle Catula to regroup. Along the way, the crew meet new allies and get to know each other better. Meanwhile, Muroid continues to find new ways to kill our heroes and has even developed a powerful weapon.

The majority of this volume is the characters walking through the woods. There needs to be something interesting for the characters to do while in the woods and them just talking is a bit weak. However, that can be interesting if done properly. Atwood manages to do just that because she was able to create such interesting characters with interesting personalities and backgrounds.

Even Muroid, who is basically like every mad scientist ever, is made interesting. Yes, he still does the same antics as every mad scientist ever, but he is fun to watch.

The only real downside to the story is all the cat puns. These characters may be cats, but if you have the fact down the throats does get old.

Christmas’s illustrations are nice to look at. The characters are creative considering they are humanoid animals which have been done many times before. These illustrations have a certain charm to them that make you like the characters even more. Only negative is that the facials expressions are basic and they do a poor job of conveying emotion.

The second issue of “Angel Catbird” continues what the first issue started. The writing and characters are as and the illustrations are nice and charming. There are some downfalls here, but those are mainly nitpicking to an otherwise excellent comic.

About Rocco Sansone 874 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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