Review Fix chats with Amycanbe’s Mattia Mercuriali who discusses the band’s origin and goals for the future.
Review Fix: How did the band get together?
Mattia Mercuriali: We got together in different steps from 2004 or 5? Originally we were just an acoustic little thing with just me and Marco in the band. Then arrived Francesca and Paolo and things changed and evolved. A lot of time passed but a lot of music we are proud of as well.
Review Fix: What’s your creative process like?
Mercuriali: There is not a straight clear process, even though I can say a lot of things start from Marco or me and Marco jamming, but it is not a rule.
For WOLF, our last album, for different life reasons, we were often distant, especially Francesca, that moved in the mountains near Verona, so we had to send her demos to let her try something out. White Slide was like that. It was just a sort of dance track, that Francesca turned into an incredible hypnotic journey, but there are still songs born like a band in the rehearsal room. Wherefrom, Queens or other songs like Grano, that was a demo by Marco. Originally it was not supposed to even enter in the list, but it turned out like one of the best. So it is really difficult to say.
Review Fix: What’s your standout song? How was it written?
Mercuriali: Hmm, difficult to choose one!
My favorite song from last album WOLF is called White Slide It is hypnotic and I had to scratch my head when we recorded it and arranged the live version (that is totally different from the album version) but it really stands out live. Another one that I consider probably our best song so far is called “Everywhere,” a very synth driven track inspired by “The World Is Round,” a novel by Gertrude Stein. We did really explore new territories at the time and that song just happened in a second, brilliant. Now we do that mostly in the last part of our concerts. I can finally break some amps in this particular tune.
Instead, our audience seems to love Rose Is A Rose and Truth Be Told in particularly. Those are songs we really have to play every time.
Review Fix: What are your goals for 2017?
Mercuriali: We really want to play more and more and better and better. I would like to see new regions especially in Europe- we will see.
Review Fix: How do you want your music to affect people?
Mercuriali: We simply want people to enjoy listening to our records and coming to concerts. We have to struggle to keep music and positive vibrations alive in this strange and beautiful time. Music is a perfect way to take a rest, at least try from the daily pace of life that is often frantic, listen to music without doing hundreds of things.
Review Fix: What’s next?
Mercuriali: Summer Festivals (check our Facebook page for updates) and new songs. We can’t wait to record a new album.
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