Son of Hitler Review: Has Its Moments, But Not Enough

Adolf Hitler is to this day a fascinating figure that has had a ton of stories and rumors about him that it’s hard to separate fact from fiction. One of these rumors was that he had a son that nobody knew about until after Hitler’s death. Comic writers Anthony Del Col and Geoff Moore, along with artist Jeff McComsey, takes this rumor and tried to write a comic about it called “Son of Hitler” that ranges in quality depending on where the comic is.

In the waning years of WWII, a rogue SOE agent named Cora Brown is seeking the supposed son of Adolf Hitler based off of intelligence gathered from captured German soldiers. Her journey takes her to Lille, France, where she meets a bakery employee named Pierre who she feels is Hitler’s son.

This is one of the more fascinating rumors about Hitler and trying to piece together what could have happened is a tall order. De Col and Moore do try to come up with something that may be true and entertaining but come up with something that’s more historical fiction than fact. Granted that fiction does have some entertaining value through some of the comic. Brown is an OK character and the story does have some flow to it.

However, the comic has more cons than pros. The biggest is Pierre. He is just plain boring. His entire character is that he’s the typical son of a prostitute who gets mad easily and messes up every second. The events that unfold with him are predictable and the reader just wants to see how these events play out.

Even after they play out, the comic doesn’t know how to end properly. There’s another act with Brown going to America that just drags on and feels tacked on. If the comic ended with what happens to Pierre it would’ve been stronger.

The artwork is OK. The entire comic has this shade of blue to it as its aesthetic and it’s fine. The character designs are fine.

In fact, everything about the comic is fine. It’s so underwhelming that it’s a read once, see its flaws and strengths and then forget about it. “Son of Hitler” tries to be something greater than what it really is and just becomes an overall average comic with an ending that drags far too long.

About Rocco Sansone 874 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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