An organized motley crew comes to mind on first sight of issue two of ‘Geek Girl.’ There’s something about a group of people dressed in black uniforms and holding sleek, yet large weapons that exudes confidence. It also says something about what’s happening inside the comic when it’s subtitled ‘League of Larcenists Rising.’ And with a leader with half a pig’s head, you don’t know what to expect.
The original Geek Girl is out of the hospital, but that’s not the focal point of the narrative. The League is recruiting bad guys to attack Maine because it’s still vulnerable. One man who wants to capitalize on this is codenamed Numb Nuts for a multiple level of reasons. In his attempt to convince his significant other to pick up and move from Jersey to Maine, as a reader you have to wonder, what part of this is a good idea? It’s his wife’s expressions that are priceless as this wannabe bad guy lays out the League’s master plan. She goes from I married an idiot to almost feeling sorry for him.
To add insult to injury, upon arrival to the secret hideout near-do-well insults the ringleader, is late for the meeting, and has more questions. It appears his wife gave him homework. But how do you question a man about a criminal enterprise, especially when his face is half of a pig? Numb Nuts doesn’t seem to be gangster material. Still, desperation leads you to do irrational things.
Before we forget the comic is called ‘Geek Girl’ we go back to Summer who’s been subbing for the original and visits her at home. Out of her coma, Ruby isn’t about to put her life on the line again. And somehow her parents think all this is Summer’s fault. Ruby is no hero to begin with. She got her superhero enhancements by stealing and to make things worse asks for them even though she’s no longer Geek Girl. It now puts Summer in danger and may expose her secret identity. Between Ruby’s selfishness and Summer’s insecurities, Maine doesn’t have a chance of surviving a super-villain crime wave.
What makes ‘Geek Girl’ a solid read is that there are no traditional superheroes. Instead, you have on one side a group of unorganized so-called protectors of the city against a coordinated sect whose only function is to steal and cause chaos. It’s a subtle way of looking at society today. Summer wants to do the right thing, but only until Ruby gets better. But she doesn’t have a plan B if Ruby doesn’t take up the mantle again. What’s more, Summer goes into battle ill-prepared and becomes a victim of her own making. Ruby is also still being challenged. Just because she decides she doesn’t want to be a hero anymore doesn’t mean her enemies aren’t waiting for her. They know someone has been substituting for her. After all, Summer is a woman of color. She’s only wearing a copy of the Geek Girl costume. Ruby is going to have to make real choices and Summer is going to have to figure out how to stay alive. Sam Johnson and Carlos Granda are adding complexity in this comic and will have you questioning what it means to be a superhero.
Geek-Girl #2 is out July 11 from Markosia and available at and Comixology.
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