Review Fix chats with ‘Everything’s Gonna Be Okay’ director and writer Matt Soson, who lets us know what inspired the film and why it’s a special one.
Review Fix: How did you feel the first time you read your finished script of this film?
Matt Soson: I felt pretty good about what I’d written. Except for the ending. Originally she walks off, and you’re not sure whether she makes it or not, but there’s a chance she does. I decided to change that, make it not quite so ambiguous.
Review Fix: What was the feeling like on set?
Soson: The feeling on set was pretty upbeat and extremely focused. Everyone wanted to make something special, and we had very little time and resources to do that. It was a small, tight crew, who were willing to go above and beyond to get the shot.
Review Fix: What makes this film special?
Soson: It presents a life-or-death situation played out realistically with a twist of dark comedy thrown in. It has a unique and biting aesthetic, and is a reflection of the times we live in.
Review Fix: What did you learn about yourself through this film?
Soson: I learned how to let go, how to act and direct in the same project without referencing monitor constantly.
Review Fix: Who will enjoy it the most?
Soson: People who enjoy dark comedy, dramatic realism, beautiful cinematography, and the outdoors.
Review Fix: How do you want it to be remembered?
Soson: As a wonderful first start to a storied career by a man known for his films and his prized striped bass.
Review Fix: Bottom Line: Why must someone see this film?
Soson: They should see it if they enjoy a fun dramatic story with dark comedy edges and some surprises in tow, and are tired of the melodrama of quirky family indie dramedies.
Review Fix: What’s next?
Soson: Working on a series of pod plays for Los Angeles, another short, and my first feature!
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