Review Fix chats with 21 Taras’ Julian Fulco, who discusses the band’s origin and goals for the future.
Review Fix: How did the project start?
Julian Fulco:Â We were just finishing up an EP at the time and we knew we were ready to take on our next full-length album, but it had to be different from the last. I think what helped was us all sitting down together and discussing not only the direction of the music but also just addressing some in-band conflicts at the time. Things from that point on have been very clear and communication has been focused on. It led to us being closer as a group, and as friends really.
Review Fix: What’s your creative process like?
Fulco:Â Every song is a bit different. Sometimes we all just get around and start playing and many songs have been written like that. Sometimes, however, a song is based more around the idea of one or two people and the rest of the members help to make it more of a finished idea. I think both ways prove to be important as it allows for things to stay fresh and it really dives more into the minds of those who are the main contributors to the song. This, in turn, allows a different sound than we could all write as a full collaboration.
Review Fix: What’s your standout song? How was it written?
Fulco:Â I think part of what makes Change so good to us is that there are several standout songs. It’s really hard to pick a single. That is part of the reason one was never released. I think if I had to pick one at the moment it would be Gettin’ Hungry. The song started as a guitar noodle that James was playing and it really struck some inspiration within me. I soon came in with the piano part and bass followed shortly after. The same way the song starts is ironically how it was written. The song can be heard here:Â https://21tarasband. hungry
Review Fix: How do you want your music to affect people?
Fulco:Â We always want to reach as many people as possible with our music, and ultimately want to impact them in a positive way as I’m sure most others would. But it is more than just that, I remember all the times music got me through so to be able to be that band for another person would just come full circle. We want to invoke all sorts of emotions, not just the pleasant ones. We really want to make you think as it can lead to growth. Music really is the best therapy, as well as sometimes a teacher.
Review Fix: What are your goals for 2018?
Fulco: To finish off the year we have a new music video to debut on November 30th. This is actually for a different song than what some would call the de facto single of the album in Gettin’ Hungry. We also have a brand new single coming shortly after that in December to finish the year off strong.
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