Review Fix chats with Good Times & Company’s Clint Kesinger, who discusses the band’s origin and future.
Review Fix: How did the project start?
Clint Kesinger: I (Clint Kesinger- Vocals/Guitar) started an acoustic project called Good Times around 2013 after getting bored with playing metal for several years. After playing on the streets of St. Louis for a year or so, I released 2 EPs and toured the country. Deciding to take it up a notch, I recruited long time bandmate Shad Baldes on bass and mutual friend Kyle Wells on drums. Shortly after releasing our 2nd full band EP, we added Keagan Cross to the mix on second guitar, and released our most recent record, ‘Midwest Sun’ in 2018. It has been a fantastic journey so far!
Review Fix: What’s your creative process like?
Kesinger: Crazy. We write as a team now more than ever, with each member adding their own parts. The process evolves and changes with us, its very fluid. Sometimes I’ll sit at home with some alcohol and write a full song with chord progressions, melody and lyrics, then show the guys and if they dig it, they will add their parts. Over time we have learned to embrace the creative process and allow it to take us wherever it leads. We as a team have developed an understanding of each other’s artistic qualities and how they fit together. Our next album is gonna be bananas because of this!
Review Fix: What’s your standout song? How was it written?
Kesinger: “The Soundâ€. I sat at home and wrote it as essentially a folk tune, by accident really. But when I brought it to the boys and we played it full band, it took on a whole new form and became this dark rock anthem that people really fell in love with. And the music video? We all get murdered in the California desert by some cult ritualists. That speaks for itself haha. “The Sound†is the product of careful consideration for each element of the song until it has reached its maximum potential. We learned a lot from it.
Review Fix: What are your goals for 2018?
Since its almost over I’d say just rock these last couple shows, shoot some acoustic videos debuting some of the new album, finish writing our new album and gear up for 2019!
Review Fix: How do you want your music to affect people?
We want them to feel something, whatever that may be. We’ve seen a large range of reaction from fans, and its always humbling no matter what. The fact that somehow, we have influenced their life, if only for a moment, is incredible and to me is the essence of why we create art. We also want them to go home humming our tunes, singing along in their car on the way home from work, so that through our catchy melodies they might find some comfort or happiness.
Review Fix: What’s next?
We are recording in January 2019. To say we are excited is an understatement. We will be a new band after we leave the studio, and a line up change is on the horizon as well. The new album will showcase how far we have come as a team of songwriters, and we can’t wait to share it with the world in 2019!
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