Disney’s Frozen: Breaking Boundaries Review: Kid-Tested, Mother Approved

With the song “Let It Go,” “Disney’s Frozen” skyrocketed into a cultural phenomenon. This included toys (obviously) books, stickers, folders and practically everything else imaginable. Even comic books. One of the more recent ones is “Disney’s Frozen: Breaking Boundaries,” written by Joe Caramagna with art by “Kawaii Creative Studios.” After talking with a shop owner who’s retiring, Anna feels that she needs to find purpose in her life. This quickly comes to escalation when she meets a mysterious girl named Mari who Anna befriends. Meanwhile, Elsa is having a hell of a time negotiating with the Kingdom of Vesterland over a land dispute. This comic reads like this were meant to be an episode of a “Frozen” cartoon series that never happened. We get a new character that’s not in the movie, a basic problem that’s easily fixed at the end and one character learning some positive message. It’s not a terrible story, it works well in this instance but don’t expect top-notch storytelling. It’s the basic “Disney Channel” cartoon storytelling that’s designed to fit an entire episode. The biggest thing that older readers won’t enjoy is how easy everything gets resolved in the end. Even cartoon series don’t have the problem of the week fixed that easily. At least the target audience, little girls, will enjoy it immensely. Even the artwork looks like it was designed with a cartoon series in mind. It’s not as impressive as the CGI used in the movie, but it does look nice and there’s little fault in it. Arendelle looks fine as well as the character designs look fine in this style. There’s not much to say except the art does its job. “Disney’s Frozen: Breaking Boundaries” may not have great storytelling or great artwork, but little girls who love “Frozen” will enjoy it immensely especially since they already see themselves as these characters. With a brand-new character, there’s more for them to identify with. Adult readers on the other may want to look at Disney’s other properties for entertainment.
About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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