Review Fix chats with Zr. King’s Griffin Liotti, who discusses his creative process, origin in music and the band’s latest effort, “Welcome to Bearizona’.â€
Review Fix: How did you get involved in music?
Grffin Liotti: We’re not qualified to do anything else. Plus our parents played a lot of Van Morrison and Traffic when we were growing up, and despite kinda digging it now, at the time we hated it and wanted to make something to rebel against it. So we put 1990s hard rock in a blender with 70s woolly mammoth rock and whatever good stuff we could find from the noughties and it sounded like an absolute disaster. And we loved it. So here we are.
Review Fix: What performers inspire you the most?
Liotti: Eagles of Death Metal. Clutch. Anything Dave Grohl is a part of. And Dropkick Murphys, especially around the 3rd week of March.
Review Fix: What’s on your musical bucket list?
Liotti: Barbecue with Foo Fighters. Chili cook-off with Lamb of God. Probably some sort of hot sauce eating contest thrown in there for good measure. Our goals are around music and food, so, you know, things we need to survive.
Review Fix: Goals for 2019?
Liotti: Release sophomore album
Finish recording 3rd album (would that be the “junior†album? Zr. King, Jr.?)
See MUSE on the Simulation Theory tour
Play a show with RED FANG
Spend at least one day on a beach somewhere tropical
Continue to survive
Review Fix: What makes your music scene special?
Liotti: The people that do exactly what they want, and make no bones about it. We like to think we’re a part of that group. You can find us at a Tigerman show one night, a Cancion Franklin show the next, and in the audience at Walter Parks doing Swamp by Chandelier on the weekend. That all being at our immediate reach is amazing.
Review Fix: How would you describe your sound to someone who has never heard you?
Liotti: A melodic jet engine chewing up geese as it screams through the sky.
Review Fix: Bottom line, what makes you special?
Liotti: We’re not special. We just make really kick ass rock’n’roll music — so if that matters to you, that part of what we do is pretty damn special, we think. Take a listen to our new single Welcome to Bearizona and let us know if you agree.
Review Fix: What next?
Liotti: Our second album Musically & Morally Bankrupt will be out on 5/17/2019. Then, maybe a sandwich. And always, more rock songs to be recorded, released, and danced to.
Review Fix: Anything else you’d like to add?
Liotti: You can connect with us on Instagram (@zoctorking) or at our website: www.ZrKing.com. We’re on the Facebook wall too. If you’re in New York City, look us up. We’re always down to party.
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