Steeple #1 Review: Something Special

If there’s one thing that’s been a hot topic for forever it’s religion. It’s a topic that sparks huge debates nowadays and sparked all-out wars. That’s a topic that’s explored in John Allison’s newest comic ‘Steeple” and the first issue shows that this comic has a lot going for it.    Billie Baker is the new curate on the Cornwall town of Tredregyn. She eventually finds out the true reason she’s there is to help the reverend fight off evil monsters that come from the sea. It’s an interesting idea with an even more interesting idea. A character who’s not combat-ready at all and prefers to not use it. There is something to this plot and hopefully, Allison can make it work wonderfully.

On paper, Billie doesn’t seem like an interesting character, but Allison does a splendid job of making her interesting. Not to mention Maggie Warren is a great opposite to Billie. Maggie is a biker with tattoos, biker girls and a tough as nails attitude while Billie is the typical reserved harmless “good Christian woman.”

Again, there’s a lot that can be done with people of two different viewpoints and even make it “explode” so to speak. The artwork is interesting, to say the least. It has this sort of cartoony indie comics look that, in a way, is its own thing. There really is nothing to easily compare the artwork to. That’s not a terrible thing, oh no. It’s great if a comic has its own look because it stands out from the crowd and it’s quite eye-catching. The character designs are unique and are drawn competently. “Steeple” combines an interesting idea with a unique art style.

There is a lot that can come about with this plot and it would be interesting to see what Allison can come up with in future issues, especially Billie and Maggie’s relationship.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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