Since the invention of the first pong variant back in 1958, video games have become an increasingly important part of our lives. Thanks to the advent and subsequent advancement of the internet, online gaming has allowed us to connect with millions of people all around the globe via platforms such as Xbox Live and the Playstation Network. For the most part, the internet has enriched our gaming experiences beyond our wildest imagination and opened up doors that few of us thought possible. But is it all good news?
What Have We Lost?
Those old enough to remember the halcyon days of offline gaming often rejoice when speaking about Easter eggs, achievements, and split-screen multiplayer madness on games such as Goldeneye. Back in the day (whenever that was), the absence of the internet put a greater emphasis on completing the storyline and tying up every loose end. There’s also an argument to be made that, due to online game modes, stories and plot-lines have declined in quality over the last decade or so. In the present day, many gamers simply overlook what could be an enjoyable single player mode quest in favor of “owning noobs” online. And of course, this is fine. However, you can’t help but feel that this isn’t in the spirit of what traditional gaming is all about.
What Have We Gained?
It is very much obvious that online gaming has brought with it greater choice and accessibility. The opportunity to compete alongside and against players from all over the world has allowed many of us to form lifelong bonds and connections with people we otherwise wouldn’t have met. It’s also worth pointing out that some games are simply much more suited to an online format. A good example of this can be seen within the online casino industry where you can find a number of online scratchcards if you click here, for example. These scratchcards often come with various different bonuses and promotions attached to them, exclusive to these online sites.
In addition to this, online gaming has given rise to the world of eSports, which is opening doors to many and affording them new opportunities. There are even calls to introduce competitive gaming into schools to improve team-based performance and some colleges already offer degrees in the discipline.
A Reality Check
With recent discussions surrounding trash-talking, trolling, and other online gaming-related issues, the industry has had a fair bit of bad press recently. However, when the dust settles, the internet is undoubtedly the best thing to ever happen to the gaming industry. Of course, there will always be a few hiccups along the way as gaming as a whole isn’t without its problems. But without the advent of the internet, we could still be playing split-screen Mario Kart on 32″ televisions. Which is totally fine in the grand scheme of things, but not really all that practical if we’re being honest. Instead, we can blow up our friends with a wide array of green, red and blue shells from the comfort of our home while discussing our plans for the evening. And all of this is possible due to a simple internet connection. Ultimately, online gaming has revolutionized the industry and we can’t wait to see where this takes us within the next couple of decades.
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