Review Fix chats with comic book writer Lanier Burton, who discusses the origin of his series “True Science Fiction,†as well as his goals for the future.

Review Fix: What inspired this comic?
Lanier Burton: The Inspiration for True Science Fiction stems from old school marvel anthology series like “Tales Of Suspense†“Amazing Fantasy†“Tales To Astonish†those silver age stories in general really influenced me and of course Japanese Manga Shonen Jumps DBZ, One Piece, Naruto, My Hero Academia, One Punch Man, etc.
True Science Fiction is a fusion of East and West, I feel as though there’s this barrier between the two but imagine a world where American artists could do Shonen work or Japanese artists doing stuff at Marvel, it could be beautiful!
Gimmie The Loot is a homage to daily Comic Strips plain and simple lol.
Review Fix: How is it different from your previous work?
Burton: Before entering the field of comics I was a musician and a filmmaker. So 2019 has been a crazy year, it’s also my first-year self-publishing comics, this is all new territory for me. But I’m here to stake my claim as one of the best.
Review Fix: What makes this comic special?
Burton: What makes True Science Fiction special is the fact that each issue is something new artistically. I write and plot out each issue to the T, and I pick out artists to flesh out my work, so each issue has a new art style! It keeps you tuned in to see what will unfold visually and what the story will build towards, I’ve been lucky to work with artists all around the world on my comic and if that isn’t special then I’m not sure what is. The love for comics is worldwide, Art like this can break barriers.
Review Fix: What makes you unique as a storyteller?
Burton: Coming from my background as a musician songwriter at that, I’m very accustomed to delivering a story in so many words, or phrases. In music you have a set time to hook a listener, in comics, your words can be broken down, they can breathe, they give life to the characters. Also, my upbringing fully immersed in all things nerdy from gaming to cartoons, comics, music again lol, etc. I pull from a huge source, and it helps that I’m charming!
Review Fix: What creators do you think have influenced you the most?
Burton: Stan Lee, Akira Toriyama, Al Ewing, Eiichiro Oda, Kohei Horikoshi, Ed Piskor, Hirohiko Araki, KAWS, Andy Warhol, Masashi Kishimoto, Basquiat, Hayao Miyazaki, Keith Haring, Jay Z, Kanye West, Quentin Tarantino, Shigeru Miyamoto, Game Freak & Nintendo overall, etc.
Review Fix: How do you want it to be remembered?
Burton: True Science Fiction and Gimmie The Loot.
I want to be remembered as the best of my generation, they are the offspring of my vivid imagination, and I hope they inspire more art in the future. They’ll be pinnacles of indie comics. I put everything behind that statement.
Review Fix: What’s next?
Burton: A ton of content, many more comics, and my first comic con coming soon ! You gotta stay tuned for this, it’s history in the making!
Review Fix: Anything else you’d like to add?
Burton: Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @Coolesdolo, my website Coolesdolo.com True Science Fiction and Gimmie The Loot Available on Webtoons!
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